
March 2019

From Anxiety to Trust

When life presents its many challenges, such as can happen in close relationships where our emotions play an important role, it’s not easy to chase away thoughts of misinterpretations and mounting anxieties, which can overwhelm our positive choices.

However, I have learned that there is always a moment to recognize, then realign myself with the great Spirit, which helps me choose the reality that is trusting, positive and more objective, instead of the negative one which wants to dominate.

The negatives are forces we don’t understand but arise because of some previous experiences, perhaps even from another lifetime.

Reflection and Prayer

Achieved through reflection and prayer, the alignment to the power of God or the Essence of Being becomes real. This alignment to great Love is our job, which starts as healing any physical pain by tracing backwards from the pain through the acupuncture/neural pathways to the limbic system in the deep brain.

Here, our past traumas are stored in hypothalamus/pituitary, the command centre of the body. From there the thought attention naturally shifts to the master gland Pineal, recognized as the Seat of the Soul or the Door to Perception by well-known writers such as Aldous Huxley.

The Pineal gland is our connection point to the power grid of the Source.

Five Elements of Psychology

We can work on emotional issues in order to overcome worry, anxiety or depression the same way as dealing with physical pain. Looking at the Five Elements chart you see that worry and over thinking are emotions associated with the Earth element, therefore Spleen/Pancreas/Stomach. The nourishing energy should flow from Heart/Small Intestine and controlling energy across the cycle from Liver/GB, the Wood.

Also, anxiety is associated with the Fire element, the Heart/SI, which can become too hot and anxious. The heart, when anxious and self-centred cannot nourish the Spleen/Stomach, the Earth element, which is associated with too much thinking and worry.

Then, see the Wood element Liver/GallBladder, living with annoyance, intolerance and anger. If so, how can it nourish the Heart’s hastiness or raging fire, or control the Earth with its concerns and worries?

No harmony can reign in this situation, where a transformation is necessary in each section to attain peacefulness.

Liver anger must change into kindness, the heart’s hot anxiety to deep compassion and caring, spleen’s worry to peaceful thinking of the Origin (using the Name meaningful to you), which can make you happily hum, whistle or sing.

Being alert to thoughts is necessary for any kind of work in order to achieve what we want.

We are so clever in our thinking since as humans we have had the intellect as our master for eons. This has got us into great trouble.

Now we have to learn to reign our thoughts by using Light guidance of the all-powerful Spirit. For some of us this takes a bit of practice in meditation or prayer – not the begging kind but thankfully praising great Love.

There is a spark for shifting/changing every thought. Without that spark, there would no thinking. That spark is the switch for putting on the light of Guidance. Become alert and use that switch with your other strategies.

Use the Acu Stones

Please click to learn about our programs and the no-needle acupuncture kit. Take time to put the stones on the appropriate points. Press each stone against the skin for ten seconds so that it makes a good connection to your acupuncture channel, then just relax, meditate and watch what happens. This was my habit when I had anxiety rising in the middle of the night going through a crisis. By concentrating on centring during the treatments my trust in the process grew.

This is my message for you today about worry and anxiety – they are not real. They are phobic manifestations in our mind. When they first appear, that is the time to switch them off.

Apply other Modalities

In addition, you may want to use other relaxing ways, drink more water, eat right, exercise as a meditation – Chi Kung or TaiChi, take more Vit.C and D, take herbal tablets such as Kwei Bi Wan, which pacifies the heart and nourishes the spleen. Have those around in case you need calmness so that these relationships of the organ systems become balanced.

This is what our journey is, about the relationships and how the right psychology emerges from understanding the Five-Elements Theory.

Be Well!

I hope that you have a wonderful day. I’m having a great day now.

Keep well and be happy. Thank you, Anna

The following post is from my earlier notes;

The Role of Fear in Anxiety Disorder

If you have ever experienced anxiety attacks, even a single one of them, it has left a terrifying imprint in your mind that can fill you with irrational fears and worries. Dealing with anxiety disorder is not a small thing and fear of them can trigger new symptoms.

A friend of mine, usually calm and collected, asked for help on how to deal with anxiety and fears. A devastating experience that took place a decade ago had landed her in the hospital. Now the symptoms had appeared out of the blue.

She had carried suppressed anxiety stress all these years.

They had emerged as:

  • The feeling of being stressed out

  • Irritability

  • Restlessness

  • Inability to concentrate

  • Fears

  • Fatigue

  • Insomnia

  • Muscle tension

  • Diarrhea

  • Occasional chest pain

Extremely Western in her lifestyle, my friend felt that the Chinese Medicine approach was too alien to her. But to overcome her constant state of tension and paralyzing symptoms she was open to try other alternatives. I suggested that she go to to check out Barry Joe’s anxiety self-help system. He has assisted tens of thousands of people to get their lives back on healthy track again.

Symptoms vary from person to person, therefore the ones in the above list may not be similar to yours, but if you suspect that your symptoms belong to the anxiety disorder category, you may also want to learn about our non-invasive Anxiety Self Help page.

With either approach, you’ll be glad you followed through!

If any questions or comments come to your mind about stress and especially about anxiety disorder please feel free to convey them to me. I’ll be happy to listen and exchange ideas and experiences with you!


CHI Energy Transformation

Chi Energy transformation within the Five Phases or Elements is central to Chinese tradition.

Five tastes of pungent, salty, sour, bitter and sweet are used in everyday cooking to affect the flavour of food, and five tones in music make music sound truly Chinese.

Melting and mixing of colours white, dark blue or black, green, red and yellow are used in chi energy transformation if something disagreeable is sensed in the environment.

The Five Phases or Elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth are regarded as five features inherent in all living things and should be understood as processes or tendencies in chi energy transformation rather than concrete physical manifestations.

The processes express the interdependence and restraint that is evident even in tiniest particles of life. The Five Phases are one with the natural progression toward balancing Yin and Yang, while each phase simultaneously represents its own related functions and qualities.

Nature is intelligent beyond our comprehension through its constant chi energy transformations. We can only fathom that within every cell of each living organism is a ‘Tao code’, which determines the form, function and quality of the cell’s unique expression of life.

And that expression, when not interfered with from its alignment with Tao, is always life-giving and harmonious, even in time of decay as the beauty ‘burns’ to ashes and nourishing continues in a new way.

The Interaction of Five Phases within the Body

The cyclic interaction within the body mirrors that of the Five Phases in greater nature. In the practice of Chinese Medicine, they are used in diagnosis and treatment.

  • Metal – Lung/Large intestine – represents autumn, decline but also substance, strength and structure. The colour is white, the flavour pungent and the negative emotions are grief and sadness; positive courage, dignity, appropriateness.

  • Water – Kidney/Urinary bladder. The associated season is Winter when nature is at rest before starting another cycle of growth. The colour is black or dark blue, the flavour is salty and the emotion fear or fright, which through the chi energy transformation becomes alert stillness and gentleness.

  • Wood – Liver/Gall Bladder – is associated with spring and activity, constantly growing and rapidly changing. The colour is green, the flavour sour and the negative emotions, when Chi is not flowing naturally, are anger, resentment, jealousy; positive are kindness, forgiveness and assertiveness.

  • Fire – Heart/Small Intestine and Pericardium/Triple Warmer – is associated with summer. It represents a function which has reached its maximum stage before it begins to decline – Fire is dynamic and moving, brilliant in its activity. The colour is red, the flavour bitter and the negative emotions are hate, impatience; when transformed they are love, joy, gratitude, creative enthusiasm, honour, etc.

Earth – Spleen-Pancreas/Stomach – is associated with the harvest time. It is the patient and nourishing mediator, it represents balance and neutrality. The colour is yellow, the flavour bland or sweet and the negative emotions are worry and over thinking; positive is fairness and openness – and singing is associated with the free flow of spleen Chi. You can learn more by watching the following short video. The Five Phases correspond to each other through nourishing and controlling cycles. Metal nourishes Water, Water nourishes Wood, Wood nourishes Fire, Fire nourishes Earth, Earth nourishes Metal.

In the controlling or destructing cycle Metal shapes Wood, Water quells Fire, Wood controls Earth, Fire forms Metal and Earth controls Water.

Each element within the phases relates to the functioning and chi energy transformation of the internal organs. It promotes the following element and controls the element across the cycle.

However, if the organ function is unbalanced, that organ, not being able to complete the chi energy transformation within the natural meridian circuit, may act adversely across the cycle.

For instance, if Chi within the heart is unbalanced it may overact on the lung (since fire controls metal) causing congestion. This results in a lack of oxygen, which can lead to congestive heart failure.

The law for nourishment and control is an important consideration in any treatment plan. “In order to bring the body into harmony, one observes and keeps constant the standard of the Five Phases of Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal.” – Neijing.

In this constant chi energy transformation, we could describe Chi as matter OR matter as Chi. Divisions dissolve . . . AHA! Could we correlate this to the ongoing quandary about quantum objects which Einstein described as being light waves OR particles?

“The cosmos itself is an integral whole, a web of inter-related things and events . . . Within this web of relationships and change, any entity can be defined only by its function and has significance only as a part of the whole pattern.” – ‘The Web That Has No Weaver’ by Ted Kapchuk.

When we habitually attune to the unseen, unified dynamics of life we learn to understand the interrelationships or patterns within the web of our wonderful creation.

By doing this we can knowingly assist Mother Nature in her constant chi energy transformations, and balancing Yin and Yang, not only within our own being but also within the greater cosmos.

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