Her Secret Service, Silent Power of Womanhood

A Book of Transformation and Enlightenment

How does ‘Transformation and Enlightenment’ relate to the story of your book?

The exodus in ‘Her Secret Service’ is primarily Moses’ inner journey of transformation and enlightenment. Written as a spiritual novel, the reader journeys along with Moses and his people toward a clear understanding of the Laws of Creation that act through the balanced masculine-feminine power, which Moses discovered through his personal development and the ancient wisdom revealed to him.

What else do you hope readers will gain?

As they inwardly journey through the landscapes and unusual events they can identify with Moses’ and his people’s struggles and triumphs. The text reveals the expansive spiritual dimension of which every reader’s receptivity is capable. He/she will then naturally connect with his/her own intuitive understanding and certitude that is needed for transformation and enlightenment.

What is the most important thing we can say about your book?

Carefully researched yet spirited, it touches those who know that purely intellectual knowledge is limited. The individual realization gained by following Moses’ first set of commandments will help the reader’s own transformation and final enlightenment as well as conscious enjoyment of creative, exuberant life while helping heal and rebuild our now sick planet and its inhabitants.

In what way do you feel you are or your book is newsworthy?

Her Secret Service offers clear wisdom given thousands of years ago by wise people such as Moses and Enoch for our spiritual enlightenment, which is absolutely necessary if humanity is to survive and blossom.

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As Moses stood in the radiance of the Feminine Principle on Mount Sinai, he received the First set of Commandments. When he realized that humanity was not yet mature to observe their Law of Love, he broke them. However, their simple, inspiring directives for transformation and enlightenment were quietly passed on from one generation to the next. Now they are revealed within this book, and we better be ready to awaken to their call for life on earth cannot go on indefinitely unless we do so.

Each of us must realize that self-growth never stops. We are not to depend on the watered-down, lukewarm beliefs passed on to us by others, true spiritual knowledge comes by actively searching, experiencing and doing what it takes to reach the freedom of one’s own ‘Promised Land’.

What credentials or expertise do you bring to the ideas expressed in your book? What establishes you as an authority in this area?

My loving Finnish-Lutheran parents passed on to me unswerving faith and curiosity for everything, seen or unseen that nurtures life. Later, inspired by Christian, Jewish, Islamic and Taoist esoteric wisdom as well as transpersonal psychology, I gained further understanding about the unique potential for transformation and enlightenment residing in each human being.

Originally trained as a public health nurse, I came to see early on that physical-mental-spiritual health cannot be separated. Those principles have guided me throughout my career.

Realizing that the ancient Chinese medicine, compared to ours, is more holistic and therefore closer to my thinking, I studied it thoroughly and practiced it for over twenty years.

The primary goal of a Chinese medical doctor is to help the patient to balance the oscillating yin/yang energy (Chi) flow necessary for healthy living. Life, being of masculine/feminine balance, must manifest on all levels of Creation that way – as a God-given gift which, when losing its equilibrium must gain it back in order to continue. My writings, including ‘Her Secret Service, Silent Power of Womanhood’ reflect that viewpoint.

What is the most important thing we can say about you?

Say that even if I seem over the edge to the pious or too earnest to the skeptics of this world, I laugh like a child and love, love, love!

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