Her Secret Service, Silent Power of Womanhood

A Book of Transformation and Enlightenment

How does ‘Transformation and Enlightenment’ relate to the story of your book?

The exodus in ‘Her Secret Service’ is primarily Moses’ inner journey of transformation and enlightenment. Written as a spiritual novel, the reader journeys along with Moses and his people toward a clear understanding of the Laws of Creation that act through the balanced masculine-feminine power, which Moses discovered through his personal development and the ancient wisdom revealed to him.

What else do you hope readers will gain?

As they inwardly journey through the landscapes and unusual events they can identify with Moses’ and his people’s struggles and triumphs. The text reveals the expansive spiritual dimension of which every reader’s receptivity is capable. He/she will then naturally connect with his/her own intuitive understanding and certitude that is needed for transformation and enlightenment.

What is the most important thing we can say about your book?

Carefully researched yet spirited, it touches those who know that purely intellectual knowledge is limited. The individual realization gained by following Moses’ first set of commandments will help the reader’s own transformation and final enlightenment as well as conscious enjoyment of creative, exuberant life while helping heal and rebuild our now sick planet and its inhabitants.

In what way do you feel you are or your book is newsworthy?

Her Secret Service offers clear wisdom given thousands of years ago by wise people such as Moses and Enoch for our spiritual enlightenment, which is absolutely necessary if humanity is to survive and blossom.

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As Moses stood in the radiance of the Feminine Principle on Mount Sinai, he received the First set of Commandments. When he realized that humanity was not yet mature to observe their Law of Love, he broke them. However, their simple, inspiring directives for transformation and enlightenment were quietly passed on from one generation to the next. Now they are revealed within this book, and we better be ready to awaken to their call for life on earth cannot go on indefinitely unless we do so.

Each of us must realize that self-growth never stops. We are not to depend on the watered-down, lukewarm beliefs passed on to us by others, true spiritual knowledge comes by actively searching, experiencing and doing what it takes to reach the freedom of one’s own ‘Promised Land’.

What credentials or expertise do you bring to the ideas expressed in your book? What establishes you as an authority in this area?

My loving Finnish-Lutheran parents passed on to me unswerving faith and curiosity for everything, seen or unseen that nurtures life. Later, inspired by Christian, Jewish, Islamic and Taoist esoteric wisdom as well as transpersonal psychology, I gained further understanding about the unique potential for transformation and enlightenment residing in each human being.

Originally trained as a public health nurse, I came to see early on that physical-mental-spiritual health cannot be separated. Those principles have guided me throughout my career.

Realizing that the ancient Chinese medicine, compared to ours, is more holistic and therefore closer to my thinking, I studied it thoroughly and practiced it for over twenty years.

The primary goal of a Chinese medical doctor is to help the patient to balance the oscillating yin/yang energy (Chi) flow necessary for healthy living. Life, being of masculine/feminine balance, must manifest on all levels of Creation that way – as a God-given gift which, when losing its equilibrium must gain it back in order to continue. My writings, including ‘Her Secret Service, Silent Power of Womanhood’ reflect that viewpoint.

What is the most important thing we can say about you?

Say that even if I seem over the edge to the pious or too earnest to the skeptics of this world, I laugh like a child and love, love, love!

In order to purchase a copy of ‘Her Secret Service’, please go to www.Lulu.com

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Oral Health

The Mouth Mirrors Your Overall Health

To many people, Nutrition and Oral Health is a nebulous subject in spite of the fact that everything we eat and drink makes its first contact in the mouth. Whether eating or drinking is done for the sake of nourishing the body or just for the pleasure it can have a strong oral health impact.

It is said that the mouth mirrors the health of the whole person. Or, that diseases in other parts of the body can be of oral origin, because silent infections in teeth and jawbone may leak toxins and bacteria to the bloodstream.

This could cause arthritis, fatigue and other chronic conditions, particularly since many people have compromised immune systems due to poor eating habits, excessive sweets, environmental toxins etc.

There can be many reasons for adverse reactions in nutrition and oral health.

Excessive use of antibiotics and birth control pills is one of them. It can lead to an imbalance of the bacterial flora manifesting as candidiasis throughout the body including areas of the mouth.

One of the key features in Chinese Medicine is tongue diagnosis. By looking at the tongue the doctor can determine the dis-harmonies within the person. Each section of the tongue reflects a specific organ function, and changes in the shape, coating and color contribute to the diagnosis and the most effective treatment plan.

Herbs Correct Silent Infections, Strengthen the Immune System.

Chinese Healing Herbs with their proven history is useful in correcting chronic, often silent infections. Herbs do not have the devastating effects on bacterial flora the way antibiotics do, therefore they provide an alternative treatment for periodontal disease.

For overall and oral health nutrition these ‘superfoods’ may be added to soups, drank as a tea or taken in a pill form. Tonifying herbs such as Ginseng and Astragali help to build the immune system, an important factor for increased resistance to bacteria and viruses.

Also, taking A,B,C and D vitamins with Flax seed oil with plenty of purified water can help.

From the standpoint of the PH balance of the body, most herbs and vegetables are alkaline. This is important in nutrition and oral health, particularly with people who are prone or have diabetes with a high rate of caries and very low resistance to infection.

By using Chinese healing herbs the acid-alkaline balance of the saliva improves, there is a decrease of systemic calculus formation with less tendency to periodontal disease. Fewer visits to a dentist, although regular check-ups are necessary for all of us!

But fewer deep cleanings are required. This applies especially to mitral valve prolapse patients for instance, who need administration of antibiotics each time deep cleaning is done.

Acupuncture for Pain Relief and Oral Health.

Another Chinese modality is acupuncture which can, directly or indirectly contribute to nutrition and oral health.

Mainly used to treat or prevent illness, acupuncture may also provide local anesthesia or relaxation response. The movement of Chi is regulated by using thin needles, electricity or soft laser.

A recent addition to no-needle acupuncture is a system using one inch wide disks based on nanotechnology. They work as well as other methods and less accuracy is needed in terms of acupuncture body points.

If no other method is available, finger pressure can work as well. Here is an example from my own experience.

Nearly twenty years ago when staying in Shanghai for my post-graduate work, I was travelling from one end of the city to the other in a taxi. The driver was suffering from excruciating dental pain on one side of his face. I was sitting behind him, and he allowed me to apply finger pressure on three points (St. 2, 6 and 7). To his surprise, the pain was gone well before we arrived at our destination.

Aha! Chi flowed smoothly!

Another example. If the Chi flow on Spleen/Stomach channels, one pair of the twelve primary channels is consistently disrupted, it can result in bleeding gums and halitosis (bad breath). Acupuncture does work on these conditions along with good hygiene and herbs as a part of nutrition for oral health.

Today, most informed health professionals agree that acupuncture does work as pain relief. In 1997 the U.S National Institute of Health acknowledged that acupuncture shows promising results in treating post-operative dental pain. The treatments activate endorphin secretion, which manifests in feelings of calmness and balance therefore, pain and stress are lifted.

In case of dry mouth, saliva secretion can be activated by acupuncture treatments. They are also used to eliminate temporomandibular joint pain as well as many other pain conditions.

Knowledge and balance are key elements in any health system. Learn what good nutrition for oral health is, for it goes hand in hand with other wellness practices!

Acupuncture-without-needle, Chinese Healing Herbs and Meditation with Exercises are all part of the ancient Chinese Medicine. Each one of them can positively impact oral health and in general, contribute to your vitality and enjoyment of life.

To help for boosting your immune system and over-all health please go to Return to Brilliance Outline 


About TCM

Individual Experiences

Before writing about ancient Chinese Medicine and its comprehensive knowledge, I like to share with you some of my own thoughts related to it.

To me working with it is like drawing water from a deep well, I have to prime it every time in order to bring up its clear water.

This means that working with an individual with a disharmony, a connection must be made to his/her Original Source Chi as well as to that of the greater cosmos. The goal is to fit into the workings of the great Vital Energy – Wu Chi. Only then can we truly help and be helped.

My sincere hope is that you can experience the balanced awareness that is necessary for complete healing of yourself and those you love.

In order to do this a silent and receptive state of mind is required. Without this receptivity, understanding the intricate patterns of dis-harmonies cannot become clear.

Intellectually we can gather information and apply it, we can even experience temporary relief, but ultimately our intuitive channel must become clear for lasting healing and wellness.

Therefore I’m asking you to open up your consciousness to the kind of knowledge which I searched for (and still do), through my studies of the ancient Chinese Medicine in the eighties.

And in addition to having been trained as a Healing Tao instructor by Mantak Chia, I have explored many teachings, been with Sufi masters and studied spiritual texts including writings of Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and the Chinese classic ‘The Secret of the Golden Flower’ and most recently ‘In the Light of Truth’ by Abd-ru-shin.

All of them require a shift in consciousness every time I read them.

When I decided to study ancient Chinese Medicine in depth after reading the Huang Di Neijing (The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine), I realized that here is a health system through which I can bring some of my spiritual understanding into a usable format.

Later, when I began to practice Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), I found that with each individual with whom I worked, we sought for ‘the main thread of the fabric’ that connects us to the ‘tone vibration’ present in all and everything.


Medicine Tao. The comprehensive and profound knowledge gathered and presented in the books on ancient Chinese Medicine carry a unifying message of the micro-macro cosmic universe.

The question of effective acupuncture and specific herbs for health and healing were important to the ancient acupuncture doctor.

But equally important was how to guide the individual toward ‘Tao of Health’, a harmonious lifestyle by daily use of natural healing foods and remedies found in his environment.

Instructions were given how to clear the energy system of the body in order to unify its function with the laws of nature and the greater cosmos.

Helping the person understand this goal of unity, even to inspire him to work toward longevity and the glorious destiny of Enlightenment, a birthright of every human being, was an important aspect of acupuncture doctor’s work.

In the light of our modern knowledge, writing these pages is a modest but sincere attempt toward this noble goal.

Without the desire to understand the whole, the treatments we learn to give ourselves and those we love will be patchwork. They cannot last without this deep commitment to the comprehensive physical-emotional-spiritual well-being.

 Unifying Logic of TCM

As you read about the ancient Chinese Medicine you’ll discover that although it is less analytical than our Western medicine, it is brilliant in its unifying logic. And I believe that by fully understanding this we can work toward permanently satisfying results.

Like most of its counterparts in other countries, Traditional Chinese Medicine evolved through the millenniums as a reflection of the culture and the philosophical-religious outlook of its people.

Tao, the Way of Harmony, is the directive and foundation of the mysterious intermingling of ‘heaven, earth and man’. Chinese Medicine describes health and illness as phenomena in relation to Tao’s natural laws operating in all Creation.

Constantly Forming Vital Energy or Chi

Central to TCM is the concept of Vital Energy or Chi, which constantly creates itself anew in a myriad of forms, – yet in its essence is one – therein lies its paradox. However, when correctly understood it also reveals its beautiful and simple logic.

Huang Di Neijing is a summary of the medical practices and theoretical knowledge up to 500 to 300 BC when it was compiled by unknown authors.

Confidence to Conquer Illness

The book says that in order to completely heal a person, acupuncture, herbs and the other modalities are only one aspect of the treatment. There must also be integrated within the patient in other ways.

“When people lack the confidence to conquer illness, they allow the Spirit to scatter and wither away. They let their emotions take control of their lives. They spend their days drowned in desires and worries, exhausting their Jing essence, their Chi and Shen spirit. Of course then, even with these other modalities, the disease will not be cured.”

As a product of a long process of synthesizing one discovery with another, one region with another and one dynasty with another, Neijing provides the basis for the massive medical knowledge compiled through the later centuries.

Adaptability of TCM

Because of this Chinese Medicine’s ability to adapt, it’s principles based on the Law of Yin and Yang – and all that it contains – are applicable even in our changeable conditions and discoveries of the Western Medicine.

In my over twenty-five year practice of TCM, I did not discover even once any contradiction between Chinese Medicine and its Western counterpart. Instead, I found that they can complement each other in a supportive way when the principles are understood and practices properly applied.

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