Return to Brilliance New Medicine

Thank you for lending me your ear.

By learning and using wise Strategies for Self-Healing and Prevention you can integrate with the Unstoppable Creative Power of the Original Source.

This Return to our original Brilliance is a program of consciously charting and experiencing our way back from the point of 'clouds of unknowing', which hide within every disharmony, pain, stress, within everything that is bothering you.

Each one of us has a special power point to awaken to the Life Force Energy, the point being somewhat similar to a light switch we use to turn on the lights. By using wise strategies and tools consciously, we can switch on the Light and heal ourselves from dis-harmonies, and we can prevent illnesses. Plus be happy and joyfully use our creativity in many other wonderful ways!

We must learn to experience this Life Force within us. It is easy for us to witness its working in the vibrancy and beauty of undisturbed nature – within and without. The fluidity of the Original Intelligence is all around us, and it is within us to awaken to and experience in most uplifting ways.

As an example of this, I like to share with you the following story;  A dear friend called to tell me that her 96-year-old mother, equally dear to me, had fallen and was now in the hospital. I found her in the emergency room on her back in bed. Her eyes were closed and pain covered her usually happy face.

I stood there for a moment, then laid my hand on her forehead. She opened her eyes, joy spread on her face and we laughed in our usual, childlike way.

Xrays had been taken and fractures were found surrounding the artificial part placed in when the hip was operated on thirteen years ago.

You can imagine the pain!

During my visit the pain was not visible nor did she complain.

I was thinking, why is this so?

We have known each other for over five years but had never discussed why we feel so happy together every time we meet. Never discussed faith or God.

This time, sitting by her bed, I wanted to understand it more.

So I asked her to close her eyes and said, 'Think about your Love of God, only that!' Her eyes remained closed as I watched her.

I saw great peace permeating her face, even felt it spreading on mine.

Among all that noise of the emergency room, we had found silence and peace!

I realized; That's It!

Not really wanting to disturb what was, I finally asked, 'Is there pain now?'

I heard her quiet voice say, 'No pain.'

'So, this is the job for you while being here,' I said, 'To remember the Presence of this great Love. Will you take this job?'

Ruth laughed, 'Yes, I am happy to take this as my job, but you know about my memory being so poor!'

'You just have to make the Remembrance so constant that there is no time for a memory lapse. Or vary it a bit, like remembering how beautiful your African violets are, how thankful you are to your daughter serving your coffee each morning, or just our joy of being together. There are many other happy occasions for you to remember, each one leading back to great Love!'

We looked at each other, laughed again. I kissed her cheek, then left.     

On my way home I thought how appropriate the experience was. My heart sang with thankfulness to that great Love which Ruth had made her own and naturally expressed when someone else resonated the same in a focused way.

Our joint experience is a perfect illustration of the Return to Brillianceessence,  New Medicine. Simply sharing our joy, Ruth and I had taken a shortcut to the Essence of what truly matters. 'I want to know the mind of God, the rest is details' – Einstein.

I want to live in great Love, Ruth would say, the same thing!

This is so amazing and such a seemingly simple task for us to do. But is it? Why is it not practised, why is there so much suffering? Why is it only discussed by a few doctors with their patients? Let us try to get answers to this why! Each one of us!

Ruth's follow-up-days amazed everyone. She was able to move around with assistance in two weeks. Her doctors could not explain but cheered her on, the nurses visited her frequently for she spread her happiness to all. Xrays taken five weeks after her fall showed that the fractures had healed, and she was able to go home soon after that.    

Much Love to you! Please let me know your questions and comments!

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May 21, 2018
Return to Brilliance Experience
A Whats App Chat through 13 000 km;

Anna, Good morning Fahad

Fahad, Good morning Anna. How are you?

A, By being less I am more it seems. Being pliable, it's possible to expand for the Presence.

F, Great

A, I saw in a vision that the great Love power works in a centrifugal way. It gathers the prevalent knowledge related to the topic and sweeps in a circular fashion across the universe. As it lowers, it forms a spindle, becomes a beam of knowledge Light as if a laser.

F, Indeed

A, At the certain point it kind of hangs in there waiting to connect with an effort made by a human yearning for learning. This human yearning is prompted by love to know, itself from the essence of great Love, drives the commitment and thought with the similar form of a spindle, pointing upwards toward the Light spindle. This reflects what the person is in his/her essence once all the energy and neural channels have been cleared of the material residue.

As above so below. When all is done for the conscious contact, living in a unified state is possible through remembrance. To be conscious on all levels is a balanced and enlightened way to live on this earth.

Our Lord is the greatest! He is. Thank You for giving us the meaning of Heal Thy Self fully!

F, Yes

A, The human body uses AC current through the acupuncture channels, and the Yin/Yanģ Force oscillates by its very nature. Within yang exists also yin and within yin always yang. See the symbol! When the clearing of the channels is done the current can be consciously changed to reflect the above centrifugal with the same kind of a laser beam of praise and gratitude toward the Love Light.

Thank You Lord, thousand thanks! This is awesome.

F, Yeah. Love your words.

A, All those hanging spindled lights of great Love are waiting for the recognition by us human beings. Each one of us, after completing our individual work of clearing can become one with the abundant great Love offerings.

Return to Brilliance. Do it for your Happy Soul in your Healthy Body! Imagine what scientists can achieve with their individual knowledge, acknowledgement and remembrance of God power.

F, Yeah.

A, They can achieve far more than when new discoveries topple the old ones again and again - as it is now.

Great Love is the pull. It is the magnet for the human spirit.

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