Ways to overcome depression, anxiety or/and fatigue
Using our non-invasive Depression Self Help method can turn your negative emotions around and transform them into lasting positive feelings.
Learning to use what these pages offer will help you become what you truly are – an empowered human being who meets life’s challenges with confidence and joyous gratitude.
You can learn to manage your health and happiness
Our simple, caring guidance is here for you!
It is not in the scope of these pages to give you detailed clinical information, but we all know that accumulated stress can result in anxiety, depression and insomnia. And regardless of our attempts to acknowledge it as just a challenge in life, it can easily cloud vision of reality.
By feeling ‘stressed out’ our understanding can become narrowed, oppressed. On those occasions, we are unable to find harmonious solutions to the problems or conflicts disturbing the mind. We may feel frustrated, even gloomy.
We seem to lose the zest for life in direct proportion to the degree that we allow stress to adversely affect our energy systems.
By reading these pages you learn to see it differently, to treat it differently – the Chinese Acupuncture way
The more you learn, the easier it is to understand how our depression self-help method can work for you.
Depression and the Organ Functions of the Body
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) depression is related to the Organ Functions. Of these, the Liver’s job is to spread the Chi or Vital Energy smoothly throughout the body.
If the Chi is rebellious or sluggish the organs are adversely affected. And chi, considered to be the commander of blood can cause blood stagnation. This can lead to all kinds of problems, and of course, then the heart and consequently your spirit is not happy.
When the chi flow is disturbed it can result in, among other disorders negative emotions.
When you understand how this works you can, by using needle-less acupuncture, help the chi flow. You can transform what is negative into natural healthy feelings which are always positive.
The following chart shows how organs affect each other. The round cycle with arrows is the nourishing one, the arrows across show the controlling, sometimes destructive cycle.
For instance, fear, associated with the kidneys which in Chinese Medicine are regarded as the foundation of life, can affect the whole body – first as discomfort and a need to withdraw from others.
Later it can lead to complications in the Liver Chi function, therefore to anger and frustration. It can affect the lung Chi leading to grief and sadness or the Heart Chi leading to anxiety, rage and hate, or the Spleen Chi to worry, over thinking and so on.
By using our depression self-help method these negative emotions clear as well. As you know, energy never disappears, it constantly transforms and in this case to a better, quality Chi that flows in its natural way.
Depression Self Help using D.I.Y. Needle-less Acupuncture Kit
The newest, most convenient acupuncture treatment is using Holistic Healing Disks, which can be self-applied and come with instructions for 83 most common ailments including depression and insomnia. They are easy to use.
This non-invasive acupuncture is well tested and is already being used in many hospitals in China.
In addition to the above treatments, the following suggestions can help you:
Walk regularly or practice Tai Chi/Chi Kong to help chi/energy flow.
Take Vit.C (1000mg am and 1000 mg before sleep).
Drink plenty of warm liquids.
Eat less fried foods and meat, more vegetables and fruit.
Keep regular sleeping hours.
Practice your own meditation or the one we provide. With this and your acupuncture for depression treatments, you’ll feel better and better.
Chi Energy Meditation for Home or Office Stress Relief
By learning and using wise Strategies for Self-Healing and Prevention you can integrate with the Unstoppable Creative Power of the Original Source.
This Return to our original Brilliance is a program of consciously charting and experiencing our way back from the point of 'clouds of unknowing', which hide within every disharmony, pain, stress, within everything that is bothering you.
Each one of us has a special power point to awaken to the Life Force Energy, the point being somewhat similar to a light switch we use to turn on the lights. By using wise strategies and tools consciously, we can switch on the Light and heal ourselves from dis-harmonies, and we can prevent illnesses. Plus be happy and joyfully use our creativity in many other wonderful ways!
We must learn to experience this Life Force within us. It is easy for us to witness its working in the vibrancy and beauty of undisturbed nature – within and without. The fluidity of the Original Intelligence is all around us, and it is within us to awaken to and experience in most uplifting ways.
As an example of this, I like to share with you the following story; A dear friend called to tell me that her 96-year-old mother, equally dear to me, had fallen and was now in the hospital. I found her in the emergency room on her back in bed. Her eyes were closed and pain covered her usually happy face.
I stood there for a moment, then laid my hand on her forehead. She opened her eyes, joy spread on her face and we laughed in our usual, childlike way.
Xrays had been taken and fractures were found surrounding the artificial part placed in when the hip was operated on thirteen years ago.
You can imagine the pain!
During my visit the pain was not visible nor did she complain.
I was thinking, why is this so?
We have known each other for over five years but had never discussed why we feel so happy together every time we meet. Never discussed faith or God.
This time, sitting by her bed, I wanted to understand it more.
So I asked her to close her eyes and said, 'Think about your Love of God, only that!' Her eyes remained closed as I watched her.
I saw great peace permeating her face, even felt it spreading on mine.
Among all that noise of the emergency room, we had found silence and peace!
I realized; That's It!
Not really wanting to disturb what was, I finally asked, 'Is there pain now?'
I heard her quiet voice say, 'No pain.'
'So, this is the job for you while being here,' I said, 'To remember the Presence of this great Love. Will you take this job?'
Ruth laughed, 'Yes, I am happy to take this as my job, but you know about my memory being so poor!'
'You just have to make the Remembrance so constant that there is no time for a memory lapse. Or vary it a bit, like remembering how beautiful your African violets are, how thankful you are to your daughter serving your coffee each morning, or just our joy of being together. There are many other happy occasions for you to remember, each one leading back to great Love!'
We looked at each other, laughed again. I kissed her cheek, then left.
On my way home I thought how appropriate the experience was. My heart sang with thankfulness to that great Love which Ruth had made her own and naturally expressed when someone else resonated the same in a focused way.
Our joint experience is a perfect illustration of the Return to Brillianceessence, New Medicine. Simply sharing our joy, Ruth and I had taken a shortcut to the Essence of what truly matters. 'I want to know the mind of God, the rest is details' – Einstein.
I want to live in great Love, Ruth would say, the same thing!
This is so amazing and such a seemingly simple task for us to do. But is it? Why is it not practised, why is there so much suffering? Why is it only discussed by a few doctors with their patients? Let us try to get answers to this why! Each one of us!
Ruth's follow-up-days amazed everyone. She was able to move around with assistance in two weeks. Her doctors could not explain but cheered her on, the nurses visited her frequently for she spread her happiness to all. Xrays taken five weeks after her fall showed that the fractures had healed, and she was able to go home soon after that.
Much Love to you! Please let me know your questions and comments!
The microcosmic spaces for transforming and channelling Chi Energy are in and around the following acupuncture body points.
Each cosmic pool represents physical-emotional-spiritual qualities. When it is closed the qualities are often negative.
However, they can be transformed into positive intention/energies when space is opened through concentrated work using Tao Meditations, Acupuncture-without-needle and Chinese Healing Herbs.
Baihui or Hundred Meetings (governing channel 20)
Baihui at the top of the head is the most important of the cosmic spaces. You can feel its small indentation with your fingertip (in most people the point is tender to pressure).
According to ancient acupuncture, its function is to clear the senses, calm the spirit, balance the ascending Yang, promote resuscitation. The point is used to alleviate mental disorders, headaches, blurring of vision, nasal obstruction.
As a cosmic space for spiritual energies, Baihui connects to the pineal gland and governs the upper brain in building new nerve connections for expanded consciousness. The colour is a combination of all colours and is inwardly seen as the expansion white-golden flower (resembling a lotus or a mum, sometimes with a violet hue).
When Hundred Meetings point is closed the person may experience pride, delusions, headaches, erratic mood swings and feelings of being a victim or a slave.
When open she/he feels guidance by higher forces, radiates happiness, gratitude and trust. In higher practices, the senses are sealed so that the spirit can leave through this cosmic space at will.
Yintang or Seal Hall
An extraordinary point between the eyebrows, Find it with a fingertip.
This point’s traditional function is to eliminate wind/heat and calm the spirit. It is used to alleviate a frontal headache, hypertension, dizziness, infantile convulsions, rhinitis, insomnia, loss of consciousness.
Yintang, sometimes called Third Eye, is associated with the pituitary gland. When the cosmic space is closed the person may experience a sense of indecisiveness, the mind wanders without a direction.
When this point is open she/he has a sense of purpose with a definite direction and intuitive knowing. Through Yintang we can define our spiritual nature.
Throat Front Center – Tiantu or Heavens Prominence (Conception 22)
A large depression below Adam’s apple.
Its traditional function is to facilitate and regulate Lung Chi, clear voice and cool the throat. Co 22 is used in cough, asthma, sore throat, hoarseness of voice, hiccup.
Associated with the thyroid gland, this cosmic space is a communication and dream center. When it is closed the person feels choked up, unwilling to change.
When the center is open his/her expressions flow and there is a greater lucidity of dreams.
Heart Front Center – Shangzhong or Penetrating Odor (Co 17)
It represents Pericardium, the protective sheath around the heart. You can feel a small depression at the level of the fourth intercostal space (between the nipples in males).
The traditional function of Co 17 is to regulate and suppress rebellious Chi, expand the chest for breathing, benefit the diaphragm. The point is used to alleviate asthma, bronchitis, chest pain, mastitis, intercostal neuralgia.
The heart center is associated with the thymus gland, therefore our immune system, also with Co 14 – Juque or Great Palace, which represents the heart itself. Of all the cosmic spaces, this area is important for it houses the spirit or Shen, one of the ‘Three Treasures’. (To learn more please read the Chi Guide page).
When the center is closed the person may feel being under attack, sorry for oneself, unloved and incapable of love.
An open heart is a seat of joy, respect and surrender, you are filled with unconditional love, generosity and compassion toward all living things. Passion for creative participation in helping humanity to re-build our now ravaged earth springs from the spirit of an open heart.
Solar Plexus – Zhongwan or Middle Cavity (Co 12)
About four inches above the navel.
Co 12’s traditional function is to transform and suppress rebellious Chi, regulate the stomach, strengthen the spleen/pancreas. Middle Cavity is used to alleviate epigastric pain, abdominal distention, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, hypertension, neurasthenia, mental diseases.
Associated with spleen/pancreas (therefore over-thinking), when this cosmic space is closed there is a sense of panic and worry.
The opening of the center creates a feeling of freedom with an ability to take risks. Solar Plexus is a clearinghouse for emotional sensitivities and issues of personal power.
Naval Center – Shenque or Middle o Naval – (Co 8)
The traditional function is to warm and stabilize the Yang, strengthen the transporting function of Spleen and Stomach. The point is used (with only Moxibustion or needle-less Acupuncture!) to alleviate abdominal pain, chronic diarrhea, edema.
When the naval center is closed it can manifest in sloppy, distracting behaviour, when open it contributes to a sense of balance and centring.
Sexual Center – Zhongji or Middle Summit (Co 3)
About an inch above the pubic bone, Co 3 is the meeting point of three Yin channels of the legs (Kidney, Liver and Spleen).
Co 3’s traditional function is to assist the transforming function of Chi, regulate the uterus and alleviate damp/heat. It is used to alleviate menstrual, sexual and urinary dysfunctions, female sterility, nephritis.
When this ‘Ovary or Sperm Palace’ is closed it is hard to enjoy life; the person feels self-destructive, negative and listless.
When the cosmic space is open he/she has a sense of creative and personal power with an ability to get things done.
Perineum Center – Huiyin or Yin Meeting (Co 1)
Between the anus and the scrotum in males, between the anus and the vagina in females.
Huiyin is used in irregular menstruation, pain and swelling of the anus, sexual and urinary dysfunctions, prostatitis, a revival from drowning.
Perineum relates closely to earth energy. When this center is closed the person feels insecurity, fickleness and loneliness, and can fear change.
When Huiyin is open she/he feels grounded, solid and peaceful. peacefull, grounded,
Sacral Pump – Changqiang or Long Strength (Gov 1)
Between the anus and the tip of the coccyx.
Gov 1’s function is to regulate the Conception and Governing channels (the inner channels meet in the lower abdomen), and to improve the work of the intestines. It is used to alleviate intestinal bleeding, prolapsed rectum and hemorrhoids, pain in the lower back, epilepsy, sexual dysfunctions.
When the sacrum center is closed, the past is a prison and unconscious fears arise, there is hopelessness.
When this cosmic space is open the person can, with awareness of the generative force, blend the three treasures, Jing, Chi and Shen for the taming of the Dragon Fire (Kundalini). The past is then a resource and a foundation for expanding consciousness.
Life’s Door or Mingmen (Gov 4)
Below the second lumbar vertebra, parallel to the navel.
Opening this acupuncture center nourishes source Chi, strengthens the kidneys, benefits the lumbar spine. The point is used to alleviate sexual dysfunctions, low back pain, sciatica and nephritis.
When the Life’s Door is closed there is a feeling of imbalance and fear, particularly fear of unfavourable circumstances.
When open Mingmen balances the kidneys, yields a sense of peace, generosity, abundance and gentleness.
T 11 – Jizhong or Middle of Spine (Gov 6) – Adrenal point
Below 11th thoracic vertebra, opposite the solar plexus.
Traditionally, this acupuncture point is used to improve low back pain, hepatitis, epilepsy, paralysis of limbs.
T 11’s cosmic space corresponds to the adrenal glands. When it is closed the person can feel hyperactive – or listless, and old fears may return.
When the Adrenal space is open he/she is filled with vitality and confidence, there is an abundance of energy to serve the good intentions of the heart.
Back Heart Center – Shendao or Spirit’s Path (Gov 11)
Below 5th thoracic vertebra.
The point is used to improve memory, anxiety, palpitations, cardiac pain, pain and stiffness of the back, cough.
When closed the person may feel a sense of burden, hopelessness, melancholy and chaos.
Opening this important cosmic space gives a feeling of freedom, a deep-felt sense of life. Virtues of love, compassion, gratitude and forgiveness emerge through an open heart.
The Back Throat Center – Dazhui or Big Vertebra (Gov 14)
Below 7th cervical vertebra.
Six Yang channels meet at this point. It regulates Yang and clears the spirit. Gov 14 is used in common cold, febrile diseases, cough, asthma, neck rigidity, a stiffness of the back, epilepsy.
The person may feel inappropriateness, stubbornness, not fitting in, when this cosmic space is closed.
When Gov.14 is open he/she feels connected, embracing others in a feeling of one humanity.
Fengfu or Wind’s Dwelling (Gov 16)
A tender point below the external occipital protuberance.
Traditionally the point is used to improve mental disorders, headache, blurring of vision, neck rigidity, sore throat, epistaxis, post-apoplexy aphasia.
Gov 16 area, also called Jade Pillow and Mouth of God controls breathing.
Gov 15 Yamen or Doors of Muteness is located within this cosmic space and has a traditional function to clear the senses and consciousness.
When the center is closed there is a feeling of burden and suffocation.
Opening this cosmic space expands the breath and helps awaken intuition and inspiration – a prelude to expansion of consciousness.
The Governing channel goes from here to the deep brain, the seat of intuition and through it to Baihui.
The following Meditation Guide can help you build Resilience to Stress and gain Success for your Dreams and Aspirations!
You’d be surprised how easy yet effective Inner Smile is – and the more you practice it, the more you realize other meditation benefits.
If you follow our meditation script and make it your own, you’ll smooth the Chi flow and harmonize the organ functions of your body.
You’ll also open up your whole ‘smile bank’ to act as a release valve for the emotional pressure that we all tend to build in our lives. Often we are not even aware of it yet our emotions can limit or block meaningful communication with others.
As for the stress relief in general, the Healing Tao’s secret smile works like a charm to restore inner calm.
Cultivated and used with other Healing Tao practices, this meditation guide can create a foundation for Inner Peace and be an anchor for the expansion of your consciousness.
And outwardly, when you’re happy and smile, your inner light shines through your eyes for everyone to see and smile with you. A positive outlook is a key to meaningful relationships and an ability to know and receive what we truly want in life.
Ready for a Key Transformation?
Remember, when you stay focused Chi follows your Intention!
If you have already practiced our Chi Meditation this meditation guide is even easier to follow.
Before you begin the practice please read through the instructions and familiarize yourself with the location of the organs you see in the picture.
Our Meditation Script is in three Sections
1. Sitting with a straight back, let your shoulders relax and have your chin parallel to the floor. (If unable to sit, find a comfortable position for you).
Close your eyes for a moment and think about something beautiful in nature – you can visualize a pristine summer day in the country where branches of trees sway gently in the wind, the sun is bright while your heart is at rest!
Open your eyes to follow our meditation guide script, but continue to feel settled and receptive.
Take time to focus your mind’s eye on Baihui at the highest point on your head. This connects you to your higher self and the radiance of the universal energy.
Let this powerful light energy flow into your forehead, spreading to every direction while it brings a smile on your face. Spiral this golden light Chi around the mid-eyebrow point Yintang to receive more energy of the cosmos.
Keep the tip of your tongue just behind the front teeth and let this brilliant energy move down to your mouth, vocal cords and throat, to the thymus gland, to the Heart changing all unclarity or fiery hastiness into smiling, golden light.
As you smile with this awareness, let your feelings change. Let your Heart be filled with benevolence, love, compassion and gratitude – radiate these into every part of your being. From now on let this heart Chi be your own meditation guide. Stay at each stopping point as long as you like.
Allow the effulgent light to fill every part of the Lungs and breathe in pure Chi of the universe that brings feelings of strength, courage, nobility.
Focus and smile down to your Liver/Gall-Bladder area and transform all intolerance, anger or jealousy into kindness, generosity and forgiveness with the emerald green, joyous light of the inner smile.
Spleen/Pancreas are connected to over-thinking – let go of thoughts now and bask in the golden light of the eternal smile. Take time to harmonize!
Kidneys/UB/Sexual area. Release all tension and fear while the brilliant all-embracive universal energy penetrates that area including the testis/prostate in men and ovaries/womb in women. Stay with the resulting gentleness, calmness and peacefulness!
2. Bring your concentration back to Baihui with the intention to receive more and more of the pure universal Chi. Using a name aligned with your individual belief system, give thanks for the abundance of your life and all the gifts you receive each day.
The light Chi spreads easily now over your smiling face, your nose, to your mouth. Mixing the smiling energy with saliva swallow it through the esophagus to your stomach. From stomach to duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Then through the ilium-cecal valve to the ascending colon on the right, transferring colon, descending colon and finally the rectum and anus. All areas are filled with clearing light Chi!
3. Bringing your focus back to Baihui, allow the wonderful effulgence spread to all parts of the Brain, to every nerve strand and neural transmitter.
Let it fill ‘the crystal palace’ where Pineal, Pituitary, Thalamus and Hypothalamus work to affect the other glands and the over-all hormonal functioning of the body.
Experience your deep brain, where intuitive impressions are received and sent to the frontal brain, which makes them cognizant to our mind.
Follow the flow of the light Chi down the eight cervical vertebrae, then thirteen thoracics, five lumbar and finally spreading around the sacrum, perineum, then bifurcating into left and right streams flowing along the outside of the thighs and through the feet to Mother Earth.
Here, consciously and with thankfulness for all the abundance the earth offers, mix your radiant sun energy with the cool earth Chi, then direct it along the inside of your legs up to perineum, and along the middle of your body up to Baihui.
As you release it upwards to the cosmos it becomes a fountain of brilliance spreading it all around you as a protective Shield of Light.
Searching for a Cold and Flu Cure? Natural Remedies can help.
Doctors of ancient Chinese Medicine recognized influenza viruses. They called them ‘unseen insects’ and used acupuncture and herbal remedies for the epidemics that hit villages and towns.
You can stop any early cold and flu symptoms by using non-invasive Acu Stones with Herbal Remedies used in China for hundreds of years!
The key is to be alert to the early symptoms and prevent the nasty invaders from multiplying into huge numbers when they can overpower the immune system and any form of intervention.
You can learn the best Flu Prevention practices and how to stop early Cold and Flu Symptoms with an effective Chinese Flu Remedy.
Our Happy Soul Healthy Body pages can be a resource for you and your family, and this is what you must know:
Cold vs Flu.
How long is Flu contagious?
How long does Flu last?
How to use DIY Needle-less Acupuncture?
The Best Natural Remedies.
Stress and Flu.
The Importance of Hand Washing.
Effective Herbal Remedies.
Stomach Flu Symptoms and Remedies.
You’ll learn to recognize the first signs of cold and flu and banish the symptoms with effective Natural Remedies and our revolutionary DIY Needle-less Acupuncture, effective and easy to use in order to overcome the symptoms and strengthen your Immune System.
Think about it!
You can master your own and your family’s health!
‘Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food’ was the norm in any Chinese household.
This rule was taught by the ‘food doctors’ as early as sixth century BC and effective herbal remedies were recorded in the annals of medicine.
For flu prevention, the herbs, considered as ‘superfoods’, were boiled as tea or combined in a chicken soup. Ginseng and Astragalus are examples of such herbs.
The most effective recipes of Natural Remedies were passed on from one generation to the next. The fresh or dried herbs were boiled into a bitter tasting tea whenever a flu remedy was needed. Lonicera and Forsythia combination is famous, and here is the recipe.
Indications: Clears fever, headache, cough, sore throat in initial stages of a febrile disease. Eliminates interior heat and toxins.
You can purchase Yin Chiao in a tablet format at your nearby Chinese Herbalist.
Or, you can order it online. Several patent variations of it, made in North America, are available. I like the one manufactured by Planetary Herbals available from Herbal Remedies USA. When on their site type Yin Chiao Classic in the search box in order to access this time-honored herbal flu remedy.
Acupuncture in Flu Prevention and Treatment
Chinese ‘Barefoot Doctors’, travelling from village to village, used specific body points for Flu Prevention and Treatment. They also advised that the ‘Window of the Sky’ points around the neck and shoulders had to be protected from cold and draft. If not, the new and already existing nasty invaders we call viruses could multiply in vast numbers and create the first cold and flu symptoms.
Luckily, a new discovery in Chinese Medicine is easy-to-use D.I.Y needle-less Acupuncture.
Treated with Nanotechnology to enhance their potency the Acu Stones come with instructions, last a lifetime and they can be used in most health-related problems. Please click here to learn more.
My friend Prudy, raised in Hong Kong where Chinese healing herbs are an essential part of everyday cooking, continues to be enthusiastic about their use for preservation of youthfulness and perfect health. The following tea recipe is her contribution.
Morning Herbal Eye Tea
Function: To cleanse and build a stronger liver which eventually benefits your eyesight.
They produce, transform, regulate and store fundamental substances – Jing, Chi Shen, Blood, Fluids. They transform, store and do not drain.
Fu or Yang Organs:
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
Urinary Bladder
Triple Warmer
They receive, breakdown and absorb that part of food that will be transformed into nutrition. They drain and do not store.Yin organs are deeper inside the body and are considered more important than the Yang organs.
Six Extraordinary Organs.
Bone marrow
Blood vessels
They resemble Yang organs in form but Yin organs in function. They ‘store Yin and do not disperse’.
Yin Organ Functions.
Heart – ‘The Sovereign Fire – The Emperor’.
Controls blood & blood vessels
Stores Shen
Opens into the tongue – ‘tongue is the mirror of heart’.
Manifests in the face.
Lung ‘the Lid of Yin Organs – A Tender Organ – The Prime Minister’.
Rules Chi.
Regulates water to ‘descend and liquify, circulate.
Rules the skin and body hair. Manifests in body hair.
Is the foundation of Chi.
The nose – the thoroughfare for respiration, the door of lung and the home of the vocal chords.
Spleen/Pancreas – ‘the Foundation of the Postnatal Existence – ‘The food granaries’.
Governs transformation and transportation
Governs blood
Rules muscles, flesh and four limbs
Opens into the mouth, distinguishes five tastes
Manifests in the lips
Holds the organs in place – raises Chi
Pericardium – ‘the Ministerial Fire – ‘The Messenger – A Civil servant’
Protects the heart
Liver – ‘Adjusts and Makes Smooth- Rules Flowing and Spreading – the General, makes plans.’
Stores blood, disharmony shows in the eyes and menstrual flow
Harmonizes emotions
Controls the bile secretion
Rules the tendons
Manifests in the nails
Opens into the eyes to distinguish ‘five colours’
Kidney – ‘Root of Life – the Mansion of Fire and Water, the Residence of Yin and Yang – Channel of Life and Death – The Minister of Health’.
Responsible for growth, development and reproduction
Stores Jing, the Essence
Rules water – sends mist upwards
Receives Chi – rules grasping of Chi – is the root of Chi
Opens into the ear – distinguishes five tones
Rules bone and produces marrow, which forms the brain, teeth are the surplus of bones
Manifests in the head hair – the surplus of blood
Chinese Medicine; Yang Organ Functions.
Gall Bladder – ‘the Judge, makes decisions with the Heart’.
Stores and discharges bile (the bitter yellow fluid produced by surplus liver Chi) into the small intestine
Rules decisions with the heart – GB disharmony and weakness can lead to indecision and timidity
Stomach – ‘the Sea of Food and Fluids – the food granary’
Receives and ripens (decomposes) food and fluids – pure go to Spleen, turbid to Small intestine.
With Spleen – aids digestion and absorption
SP/ST is a source of health
‘Spleen rules ascending – Stomach rules descending’
Large Intestine – ‘the Official of Transportation.’
Receives waste material from SI
Absorbs water and sends it to UB
Forms feces and eliminates them
Small Intestine – ‘the Treasurer– The receiving official’.
Separates the pure from the turbid – the clear go to SP, the turbid to LI and turbid fluid to Kid/UB
Receives and temporarily stores partially digested food
Urinary Bladder – ‘the District Official.’
It stores then excretes urine (formed in KID from the turbid fluids transmitted from LU/LI/SI
The functions of UB are assisted by KID Chi
San Jiao or Triple Warmer – ‘the officer of the bursting water dam –where the water channel arises – Has a name but not shape’
An insubstantiate organ, it coordinates all functions of water metabolism.
Upper Warmer – head and chest (HT/LU) – vapour – spreads Chi and blood
Middle Warmer – below the chest and above the navel – foam (SP/ST), decomposition and dissolution of substances
Lower Warmer – the abdominal area below the navel (KID/LI/SI/UB – excrete impure substances.
TCM; Extraordinary Organs’ Functions.
Brain – ‘The Sea of Marrow, upper part – DU 20, lower part – DU 16.
Thinking, memory and expansion of consciousness
Responsible for the fluidity of movement, sensitivity of eyes and ears
Jing – the Essence of Kidney produces marrow that forms the brain
He/Liv/Kid are closely related to mental and spiritual activities
Bones are ruled by the Kidneys to give the body structural support
Uterus – ‘Palace of the Child’
Presides over menstruation and gestation
Related to Kid/Liv/Sp/Chong/Ren – yin organs are involved in menstruation
Ren and Chong channels originate in the uterus
Chi and Blood of the twelve channels pass into the uterus through these two extra channels
Blood Vessels – ‘the Yang Organs of the Blood’
The means by which most blood is transported through the body
Blood vessels carry more blood and channels carry more Chi
Related to HE/Liv/SP
Fundamental Substances – Jing, Chi, Shen, Blood and Fluids are presented on their respective pages.
The complex Chi Energy systems operating relentlessly within us determine our awareness and our health; they affect everything we do, think and feel.
When we feel exhausted after long days of work, has the energy disappeared? Of course not, for energy never disappears, it only changes its way of functioning. What has happened then?
By learning to understand and work with the awesome Chi systems of our bodies and know how they relate to the outer cosmos, we can learn to be in charge of them. We then know exactly what happened and are able to free and transform the stuck energies in order for them to flow naturally once more.
Chi is one with the Fundamental Substances of the body. Their English translations Energy, Essence, Spirit, Blood and Fluids are only approximations of their Chinese meaning, which defines five fundamental properties inherent within us.
Why Chi, not Energy?
In practice, the term Chi is used in preference to Energy since the latter in Western languages implies energy as opposed to matter. In TCM energy-matter is a continuum, Chi having both energetic and material attributes.
Within the Chi systems some Chis are Yin, most are Yang in their characteristics, yet Chi means a tendency to, as well as motion itself. In general, the term Chi is for the functional, active aspect of the body.
Discomfort and certain symptoms appear when the Chi system is out of balance. Therefore different manifestations of Chi are examined and measured in diagnosis.
Jing Chi’s many Functions within the Chi systems
Jing or Source Chi provides the basis for all the functional activities of the channels. This essential Chi is one with the universal Generative Force – Wu Chi, which underlies all life in Creation with Its unfathomable Power and Intelligence.
In the human body, Jing is thought of as fluid-like, it is nutritive and supportive. It activates harmonious transformation throughout the Chi systems and controls growth, reproduction and development.
And it holds the secret of the physiological mechanism or Generative Force for the human brain’s transformation and expansion of consciousness.
Jing, as the ‘Essence of Human Nature’ is the basis for all movement and takes on characteristics according to the needs of the body.
It manifests as Organ Chi for organ functions, Channel Chi for transporting and moving functions, Nourishing Chi for transforming and creating blood as well as for helping the blood to nourish the tissues of the body.
Protective Chi warms and travels between the skin and the flesh. It regulates the opening and closing of the pores therefore, protects the body from external pathogenic influences, and it moistens the skin and hair.
Shen or Ancestral Chi
Ancestral Chi or Shen collects in the chest and underlies breathing and speaking, it regulates the beating of the Heart and is important in clarifying the Spirit and strengthening the body when cultivated in meditation.
According to Neijing the Spirit of the Heart or Shen rules the mental and creative functions.
The spirit of the Liver rules the nervous system and gives rise to the extrasensory perception.
Spirit of the Spleen rules logic or reasoning power.
Spirit of the Lungs rules animistic instincts, physical strength and stamina.
Spirit of the Kidneys rules the will, drive, ambition and survival instinct.
The Birth of Yin and Yang
In order to understand how these various qualities of Chi relate to the greater cosmos, it is important to learn about Chinese cosmology.
Wu-Chi, which underlies all living phenomena of the universe is the manifestation of the Generative Will of the Source and is One with Motion, the first law in Creation.
The original Loving Source Radiation, being one with the Will to Create, became receptive Yin, the transcendental Feminine Principle. Through Her, the brilliantly and creatively acting Will – Yang, became the Masculine Principle.
Carried by the Power of the original Radiation, the receptive Yin substance and the dynamically penetrating Yang manifest the great Law of Love – Tao – in forever re-birthing Creation.
The masculine and feminine qualities or Yin and Yang are eternally one with the Primal Intelligence, God or Wu, the original Intention and the guiding Principle of all that exists.
Truane Wu Chi, the Original Vital Energy
All the universes are created out of this Triune Wu Chi, the original Vital Energy. This continual forming works harmoniously in most spheres of Creation creating new combinations of love and beauty through cyclic radiations and in the rhythmic way of Tao.
On the material level, we can observe WuChi in Five Phases of Nature through birth, growth and development, even through decay in plants and animals.
Nature follows the great Tao or Law of Love. Only, when disturbed by wrongly directed human free will do things go wrong. And this has been going on for millenniums – the humans have subjugated their free will to their limited intellect instead of following the guidance of the Source Intelligence accessible through intuition and commitment to the universal Laws.
Ming, the Royal Command or Destiny
The impersonal and original Triune, the sub-stratum of Life (Ming – royal command or destiny) is in every cell.
In the human body it is called Jing and while impersonal, it is receptive (Yin) compared to Wu Chi, dynamically active (Yang) and observable in the harmonious nature.
Jing is based in the kidney domain as the Essence of Life and as a potent source of original Power, the Generative Force (Kundalini).
When Jing Chi is consciously cultivated with Shen Chi (spirit) through disciplined meditations and virtues, it rises as ‘the fiery Dragon’ to the brain.
New neural pathways are built, through which dormant areas of the brain are awakened. When awake, they reveal a new level of consciousness filled with blissfulness, clarity and creativity of a genius, and ultimately cosmic consciousness – the great AHA!
Before writing about ancient Chinese Medicine and its comprehensive knowledge, I like to share with you some of my own thoughts related to it.
To me working with it is like drawing water from a deep well, I have to prime it every time in order to bring up its clear water.
This means that working with an individual with a disharmony, a connection must be made to his/her Original Source Chi as well as to that of the greater cosmos. The goal is to fit into the workings of the great Vital Energy – Wu Chi. Only then can we truly help and be helped.
My sincere hope is that you can experience the balanced awareness that is necessary for complete healing of yourself and those you love.
In order to do this a silent and receptive state of mind is required. Without this receptivity, understanding the intricate patterns of dis-harmonies cannot become clear.
Intellectually we can gather information and apply it, we can even experience temporary relief, but ultimately our intuitive channel must become clear for lasting healing and wellness.
Therefore I’m asking you to open up your consciousness to the kind of knowledge which I searched for (and still do), through my studies of the ancient Chinese Medicine in the eighties.
And in addition to having been trained as a Healing Tao instructor by Mantak Chia, I have explored many teachings, been with Sufi masters and studied spiritual texts including writings of Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and the Chinese classic ‘The Secret of the Golden Flower’ and most recently ‘In the Light of Truth’ by Abd-ru-shin.
All of them require a shift in consciousness every time I read them.
When I decided to study ancient Chinese Medicine in depth after reading the Huang Di Neijing (The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine), I realized that here is a health system through which I can bring some of my spiritual understanding into a usable format.
Later, when I began to practice Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), I found that with each individual with whom I worked, we sought for ‘the main thread of the fabric’ that connects us to the ‘tone vibration’ present in all and everything.
Medicine Tao. The comprehensive and profound knowledge gathered and presented in the books on ancient Chinese Medicine carry a unifying message of the micro-macro cosmic universe.
The question of effective acupuncture and specific herbs for health and healing were important to the ancient acupuncture doctor.
But equally important was how to guide the individual toward ‘Tao of Health’, a harmonious lifestyle by daily use of natural healing foods and remedies found in his environment.
Instructions were given how to clear the energy system of the body in order to unify its function with the laws of nature and the greater cosmos.
Helping the person understand this goal of unity, even to inspire him to work toward longevity and the glorious destiny of Enlightenment, a birthright of every human being, was an important aspect of acupuncture doctor’s work.
In the light of our modern knowledge, writing these pages is a modest but sincere attempt toward this noble goal.
Without the desire to understand the whole, the treatments we learn to give ourselves and those we love will be patchwork. They cannot last without this deep commitment to the comprehensive physical-emotional-spiritual well-being.
Unifying Logic of TCM
As you read about the ancient Chinese Medicine you’ll discover that although it is less analytical than our Western medicine, it is brilliant in its unifying logic. And I believe that by fully understanding this we can work toward permanently satisfying results.
Like most of its counterparts in other countries, Traditional Chinese Medicine evolved through the millenniums as a reflection of the culture and the philosophical-religious outlook of its people.
Tao, the Way of Harmony, is the directive and foundation of the mysterious intermingling of ‘heaven, earth and man’. Chinese Medicine describes health and illness as phenomena in relation to Tao’s natural laws operating in all Creation.
Constantly Forming Vital Energy or Chi
Central to TCM is the concept of Vital Energy or Chi, which constantly creates itself anew in a myriad of forms, – yet in its essence is one – therein lies its paradox. However, when correctly understood it also reveals its beautiful and simple logic.
Huang Di Neijing is a summary of the medical practices and theoretical knowledge up to 500 to 300 BC when it was compiled by unknown authors.
Confidence to Conquer Illness
The book says that in order to completely heal a person, acupuncture, herbs and the other modalities are only one aspect of the treatment. There must also be integrated within the patient in other ways.
“When people lack the confidence to conquer illness, they allow the Spirit to scatter and wither away. They let their emotions take control of their lives. They spend their days drowned in desires and worries, exhausting their Jing essence, their Chi and Shen spirit. Of course then, even with these other modalities, the disease will not be cured.”
As a product of a long process of synthesizing one discovery with another, one region with another and one dynasty with another, Neijing provides the basis for the massive medical knowledge compiled through the later centuries.
Adaptability of TCM
Because of this Chinese Medicine’s ability to adapt, it’s principles based on the Law of Yin and Yang – and all that it contains – are applicable even in our changeable conditions and discoveries of the Western Medicine.
In my over twenty-five year practice of TCM, I did not discover even once any contradiction between Chinese Medicine and its Western counterpart. Instead, I found that they can complement each other in a supportive way when the principles are understood and practices properly applied.