
Many suffer from chronic pain and somehow manage by taking pain killers regularly.

But we know that this kind of pain relief can eventually lead to many complications.

Is it not better to find a Natural Pain Relief, and with lasting value?

One of these is Acupuncture, which has become the treatment of choice for acute and chronic pain.

Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM), and by learning the basic principles of TCM you'll see your pain as a sign pointing to a deeper level of energy imbalance. By using your new knowledge the relationship of the symptoms to your whole being will become known.

The process is two fold, one being the effective treatment, the other is learning to understand this mode of healing in relation to your strengths and weaknesses. You’ll be able to work toward being in complete charge of your own physical, mental and spiritual health.

Learn to use Non-invasive Acupuncture for lasting Pain Relief

By using our Strategies with the Needle-less Acupuncture kit will help you not only overcome acute or chronic pain, but also understand the origin of the pain and of any other symptom you may have. In addition to finding pain relief, you will be guided to discover and use the enormous healing power that rests within your spirit as a God given gift. Return to your original Brilliance!

Please click DIY Needle-less Acupuncture Kit  to learn about healing yourself with non-invasive acupuncture.


Back Pain Relief

Non-invasive Acupuncture and Chinese Healing Herbs for Back Pain Relief

Whether an injury, or just back pains and stiffness, the suggestions you find on this and our other back pain pages can be of great help.

If you’re a baby-boomer and growing older along with the rest of us, you may begin having backaches, knee pain etc., and since you prefer a natural pain relief, Chinese Herbal Remedies and our DIY non-invasive Acupuncture is one of your best choices. Chinese Medicine is rapidly gaining in popularity, including relief for back pain.

Causes of Back Pain.

In addition to sports injuries, lack of exercise and using the body carelessly is one of the major causes of back pains Many of us sit in front of a computer for too many hours a day and do not take breaks to stretch and move around enough to keep the vital energy moving so that the body remains flexible and strong.

Bad habits, such as slouching while reading or watching TV, or wearing shoes with no arch support while standing or walking can lead to back problems. A simple arch support may relieve back pain in such cases.

However, most situations are not that simple and require a knowledgeable health professional to determine what kind of back pain therapy is appropriate.

There can be hidden causes to pain – it can be caused by a kidney or bladder problem, constipation, abnormal curvature of the spine, excessive weight, female pelvic problems, osteoporosis, even emotions or stress.

The main cause of a chronic back and leg pain could be a herniated disk, therefore it’s important to have this checked out by an MRI or Xray. Visit a doctor, have appropriate tests performed and choose the back pain therapy best suited to the situation.

Chinese Medicine Back Pain Therapy Corrects Energy Imbalance

A sports injury suffered by a young person can be the sole cause of back pain. In TCM this would belong to a category called Chi and Blood Stasis. But the patterns of disharmony may overlap. For instance, acute or chronic rheumatic symptoms aggravated by damp and cold are often influenced by an underlying kidney deficiency.

In all cases, we have a disruption of energy and blood flow or a short supply of one or both.

Using Needle-less Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs treats the cause while providing Back Pain Relief.

Chi is a moving force that pervades all that exists. It adjusts to the qualities present in its environment and causes changes according to the physical or emotional influences. When plenty of Chi flows naturally the blood is nourished, the cell ‘pumps’ in vessels, muscles and ligaments fire with ample oxygen, the sodium/potassium intake and outflow is balanced, and through it we stay healthy, energetic and pain-free.

Traumatic Injury.

For most sports enthusiasts the first line of action after sports or other injury is to use an ice pack and to reach for painkillers. But more natural, effective and popular analgesic in China is ‘Scandent Schefflera – Qi Ye Lian’. It contains the root of Schefflera and Rz. Corydalis, a well known pain-relieving remedy. Another one is ‘Muscles and Bones Traumatic Injury Pill – Jin Gu Die Shang Wan’, which relieves pain as well as bruising and swelling in early stages of injury.

Liniments such as ‘Zheng Gu Shui’ or medicated plasters such as ‘Plaster for Bruise and Analgesic – Die Ta Zhi Tong Gao’ you can apply to the injured area (as long as the skin is intact).

Most of the Chinese Herbal Remedies recommended on our pages are available from a Chinese herbalist in your area

In a modified form, including medicines for back pain relief, are also available from North American manufacturers. In the Back Pain Supplements and Information section of you’ll find effective remedies in a pill or capsule form, or as liniments and plasters. You can even order a Natural Aspirin Alternative and a Back Support Belt if needed.

Remedies for Rheumatic Pain and Kidney Weakness 

According to TCM, the kidneys are the foundation of life. As we get older our aches and pains are usually associated with Kidney weakness.

By studying our pages on Chinese Medicine/Acupuncture and how it corresponds to Western neuroscience gives you an understanding of your body’s strengths and weaknesses. By asking questions you’ll know which of the patterns of disharmony is predominant in your particular situation, and you’ll learn about the acupuncture points and the herbal remedies to be used as well as other ideas for your Back Pain Therapy.

There are many Chinese healing herb formulas that alleviate pain as well as nourish the kidney function. One of them is ‘Golden Deficient Kidney Pill or Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan’, which is also used in impotence, infertility and sexual dysfunction. Check out ‘Kidney Rejuvenator, ‘Arth-X Platinum’ and ‘Back Soothe Wellness Oil’.

One great thing about the above products is that they are 100% natural herbal remedies. They carry no preservatives, no artificial colours and no chemicals.

One Western natural product I always have on hand, have used it myself and recommended to my patients through the years is DMSO. Gently rub a few drops of it on the painful area. It penetrates through the skin and flushes out toxins and excess fluids, and it eases the pain.

You can also use other natural home remedies such as Pau d’Arco, Burdock, Horsetail herb, Comfrey, Slippery Elm and White Willow bark, which can be brewed and drank as a tea for back pain relief.

You may buy the following Back Pain Remedies from a Chinese Herbalist:

  • Scandent Schefflera – Qi Ye Lian

  • Muscles and Bones Traumatic Injury Pill – Jin Gu Die Shang Wan

  • Rectify Bone Liquid – Zheng Gu Shui – a liniment

  • Plaster for Bruise and Analgesic – Die Ta Zhi Tong Gao

  • Golden Deficient Kidney Pill or Jin Kui Shen Qi Wan

But really, since 'Your Health is Your Greatest Wealth', the best investment you can make is to purchase our Expanded Return to Brilliance program. It's sure-fire Strategies and D.I.Y. Acupuncture Kit helps you heal most physical, emotional and spiritual dis-harmonies and keep you in top shape for years to come. Please click for the Return to Brilliance Outline!


Return to Brilliance New Medicine

Thank you for lending me your ear.

By learning and using wise Strategies for Self-Healing and Prevention you can integrate with the Unstoppable Creative Power of the Original Source.

This Return to our original Brilliance is a program of consciously charting and experiencing our way back from the point of 'clouds of unknowing', which hide within every disharmony, pain, stress, within everything that is bothering you.

Each one of us has a special power point to awaken to the Life Force Energy, the point being somewhat similar to a light switch we use to turn on the lights. By using wise strategies and tools consciously, we can switch on the Light and heal ourselves from dis-harmonies, and we can prevent illnesses. Plus be happy and joyfully use our creativity in many other wonderful ways!

We must learn to experience this Life Force within us. It is easy for us to witness its working in the vibrancy and beauty of undisturbed nature – within and without. The fluidity of the Original Intelligence is all around us, and it is within us to awaken to and experience in most uplifting ways.

As an example of this, I like to share with you the following story;  A dear friend called to tell me that her 96-year-old mother, equally dear to me, had fallen and was now in the hospital. I found her in the emergency room on her back in bed. Her eyes were closed and pain covered her usually happy face.

I stood there for a moment, then laid my hand on her forehead. She opened her eyes, joy spread on her face and we laughed in our usual, childlike way.

Xrays had been taken and fractures were found surrounding the artificial part placed in when the hip was operated on thirteen years ago.

You can imagine the pain!

During my visit the pain was not visible nor did she complain.

I was thinking, why is this so?

We have known each other for over five years but had never discussed why we feel so happy together every time we meet. Never discussed faith or God.

This time, sitting by her bed, I wanted to understand it more.

So I asked her to close her eyes and said, 'Think about your Love of God, only that!' Her eyes remained closed as I watched her.

I saw great peace permeating her face, even felt it spreading on mine.

Among all that noise of the emergency room, we had found silence and peace!

I realized; That's It!

Not really wanting to disturb what was, I finally asked, 'Is there pain now?'

I heard her quiet voice say, 'No pain.'

'So, this is the job for you while being here,' I said, 'To remember the Presence of this great Love. Will you take this job?'

Ruth laughed, 'Yes, I am happy to take this as my job, but you know about my memory being so poor!'

'You just have to make the Remembrance so constant that there is no time for a memory lapse. Or vary it a bit, like remembering how beautiful your African violets are, how thankful you are to your daughter serving your coffee each morning, or just our joy of being together. There are many other happy occasions for you to remember, each one leading back to great Love!'

We looked at each other, laughed again. I kissed her cheek, then left.     

On my way home I thought how appropriate the experience was. My heart sang with thankfulness to that great Love which Ruth had made her own and naturally expressed when someone else resonated the same in a focused way.

Our joint experience is a perfect illustration of the Return to Brillianceessence,  New Medicine. Simply sharing our joy, Ruth and I had taken a shortcut to the Essence of what truly matters. 'I want to know the mind of God, the rest is details' – Einstein.

I want to live in great Love, Ruth would say, the same thing!

This is so amazing and such a seemingly simple task for us to do. But is it? Why is it not practised, why is there so much suffering? Why is it only discussed by a few doctors with their patients? Let us try to get answers to this why! Each one of us!

Ruth's follow-up-days amazed everyone. She was able to move around with assistance in two weeks. Her doctors could not explain but cheered her on, the nurses visited her frequently for she spread her happiness to all. Xrays taken five weeks after her fall showed that the fractures had healed, and she was able to go home soon after that.    

Much Love to you! Please let me know your questions and comments!

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