This section of the Chi Guide is more understandable if you are familiar with the basics of Chinese Medicine or have reviewed Ancient Chinese Medicine, Balancing Yin and Yang, Human Blood and other Chi Energy transformation pages found on
Learning to understand and consciously guide Chi is a lifelong process. In my experience, it began when I was young and wanted to understand life’s mysteries that lay beyond my five senses.
For me, of the many books directly dealing with these mysteries of expanded consciousness, the most important ones are ‘Tao Te Ching’, ‘The Secret of the Golden Flower’, ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ and ‘In the Light of Truth’.
And of course ‘Huang Di Neijing’, a Chi guide that gives practical steps on how to purify and heal the body so that a unified and glorious state of awareness becomes an ongoing life experience.
These pages are my sincere attempt to share with you as simply as possible my understanding of this subtle process which carries unimaginable benefits for each of us.
Chi Guide for Unifying Shen and Jing in Sacred Marriage
If you have read the Chi Systems section, you know that the kidney domain which houses Jing, includes the sexual center, the bone marrow, spinal cord and the brain. The brain or ‘the sea of marrow’ can be nourished and re-built in order to expand consciousness. (even here in the West much research is being done on ‘brain plasticity’).
Huang Di Neijing says, “The Essence (Jing) of kidney produces marrow that forms the brain.”
So the nutritive and supportive Jing is that Generative Force (Kundalini) that can be cultivated by conscious intention with other Chi qualities, especially the Ancestral or Spiritual Chi – Shen, which connects us to our spirit and therefore to our free will.
For this focus and contemplation are needed, and utilizing Acupuncture and Natural Remedies, as well as Healing Tao practices, can be of great help.
The Ultimate Chi Guide
When our free will is aligned with the great Will of Wu Chi – when we claim It as the ultimate Chi Guide, we can begin to clear the organs, tissues and glands along with their channels.
By consciously practicing the virtues this commitment implies, we’ll then begin to experience the abundance of the creative Power of our Generative Force.
However, it is easy to ignore the subtle promptings of the ultimate Chi Guide. And if, through our thinking, feeling and action we fail to work on clearing the organs and Chi channels for that alignment, we automatically become subordinates to wrongly and excessively used sexual and other forces with their limitations.
We then have only a static connection to the endless supply of Light Chi. This leads to weakening of the body, unhappiness, deterioration of all faculties and final death with the life spent devoid of its true purpose.
Huang Di Neijing says, “Overindulgence in five emotions of happiness, anger, sadness, worry, fear and fright can create imbalances. These emotions can injure Chi, while seasonal elements can affect the body.
Sudden anger damages the Yin Chi, to become easily excited and overjoyed will damage the yang Chi. This causes the Chi to rebel and rise up to the head squeezing the Shen out of the heart and allowing it to float away.
Failing to regulate one’s emotions can be likened to summer and winter aiming to regulate each other, threatening life itself.”
Once again – since Jing Chi operates as the substratum of life, it follows that it is, in addition to its kidney ‘home’, within every cell of the human body.
The question is, what else does each cell carry as a result of the person’s thinking and actions, including eating and drinking?
These limiting elements may take ‘the upper hand’ therefore can, temporarily or even for a lifetime, repress the more refined principal Jing Chi. This makes the following the ultimate Chi Guide even more difficult.
The Role of Shen Chi
Shen or Ancestral-Spiritual Chi is associated with breathing, the heart and the circulation of blood. The Heart controls blood, blood vessels and houses the mind including feelings. Spirit, consciousness, memory, thinking and sleep are all dominated by the heart function or Shen.
Shen, when not over-run by base desires, passions and other negative emotions, is the pristine spirit that is one with the Law of Love – Wu Chi.
Shen is Yang in relation to the receptive Jing Chi
Shen is cultivated through prayer, contemplation of the virtues such as gratitude, love, compassion, generosity and other divine qualities.
Also, yearning to understand the riddle of existence opens the heart to intuitive knowledge.
The boundaries of the ego begin to soften and Shen awakens the need to cleanse the energies, to transforms negative emotions lodged in the organs, tissues and glands into positive Chi in order to vitalize the body and expand consciousness.
As the driving force behind the personality, ‘Shen is the awareness that shines out of the eyes when we are truly awake’.
Practicing Chinese Meditations, applying non-invasive Nano Acupuncture and Chinese Healing Herbs clarifies and strengthens all Chis of the body. They help in keeping the connection to the ultimate Chi Guide constant.
The Sacred Marriage
Not done in a day, but eventually, Shen (spirit-fire-yang) transforms into a ‘Heavenly Heart’ and unites with Jing (seed-water-yin) in a sacred inner marriage with a beyond description orgasmic bliss described in many ancient texts.
The Generative Force or Kundalini
With the experience of the sacred marriage, the biological mechanism of the Generative Force is ignited and it’s life giving nectar, ‘The fiery Dragon’ – rushes up to the brain. The gates of Wu Chi’s reservoir of a new, brilliant reality of Life open wide. Return to Brilliance!
Consciousness, from the isolated sense of ego toward expanded, all-embracive awareness, has taken a major leap. . . AHA!
This leads to an inspired sense of freedom, creativity, qualities of genius and can lead to cosmic consciousness. This then is the complete healing of the human body, mind and spirit.
For this reason, the Chinese medical tradition speaks of Jing, Chi and Shen as the Three Treasures.
On a clear night, we can see the cosmic path of the faraway moon and know that all waters on earth are affected by its powerful energies. This must also apply to our bodies for they are mainly water.
Are we aware of this connection, aware that each of us has microcosmic orbits as a reflection of the great cosmic paths through which WuChi or universal energy moves?
Do we accept expressions such as ‘as above, so below’ to be true without making a practical effort to understand what they mean?
And how could this greater understanding help us as human beings? Could we make our cosmic knowledge into a life experience and therefore gain from it?
Yes, we can.
A legacy of Wisdom for Chi Energy Transformation
'Thirty spokes share the wheel’s hub;
It is the center hole that makes it useful.
Shape clay into a vessel;
It is the space within that makes it useful.
Cut doors and windows for a room;
It is the holes which make it useful.
Therefore profit comes from what is there;
Usefulness from what is not there.'
– Poem 11 – Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, translated by Gia-Fu Feng and Jane English.
Ancient Chinese sages left a legacy of wisdom for Chi Energy Transformation for those of us who are committed to spiritual healing and growth. Writings on Enlightenment of Consciousness such as ‘Secret of the Golden Flower’ were passed on to us often in an obscure or secret language.
In my many decades’ quest to understand these books of consciousness and life, I have found that to siphon their meaning is only possible through practice that brings an experiential-intuitive understanding of them.
But what amazing revelations are in store for those who stay with their commitment and practice!
In the early nineties, I had an opportunity to study with Master Mantak Chia,
who brought many of the Chinese esoteric practices into a western format.
My on-going commitment is to give you, in as a practical format as possible, what I learned about the expansion of consciousness during my long quest and the practices it entailed.
Everything you read on the HappySoulHealthyBody pages is given in the spirit of Loving Tao, which to me means trusting the process while each of us takes responsibility individually for the journey.
How to Purify and Channel Chi along the MicroCosmic Path?
Chi Energy Meditation, Inner Smile (on our Meditation Guide page) and Micro Cosmic Orbit you learn here, focus on purifying and channelling Chi. Since they centre within the body, they are – like other Chinese meditation exercises – grounded and grounding.
Therefore they are safe to practice when done according to the instructions. My recommendation to you is to learn the Chi Energy Meditation and Inner Smile first and use the awareness gained from their practices as a foundation for your further cosmic education.
The mid-line cosmic path within us runs through the centres (chakras), which are like wheels in motion – Chi energy moving in a spiral fashion, the way it flows on all levels of creation. Think of the pictures you have seen of DNA!
Each centre corresponds to nerves, organs and glands, and your concentration on the circulation of pure Light Chi through the points along the central cosmic path helps transform negative energy of your cellular memories to positive light energy of higher standard.
Circulation of Light
The main cosmic path for the Circulation of Light follows the Conception channel in the front and the Governing channel at the back, both running along the center of the body. You can purify, re-enforce and stimulate the Chi within this microcosmic path by concentrating on its flow through the fourteen centers. This then benefits your whole being.
Baihui or ‘Hundred Meetings’ is the highest point in the body and is used in ancient acupuncture to alleviate headache, dizziness, to clear the senses and mental disorders, to calm the spirit, to stabilize and strengthen the Yang energy.
In all meditation exercises, Baihui is a pivotal point in connecting to your higher self in order to consciously draw in all-embracing and all-loving universal cosmic energy. Concentration on this point inspires receptivity and thankfulness as you begin to experience the seamless oneness that permeates the universe.
From Baihui you consciously move its cleansing Chi to the mid-eyebrow point Yintang, sometimes called the Wisdom Eye. It is used for headache, dizziness, hypertension, insomnia, common cold, and one of its traditional functions is to calm the spirit.
Here you can connect with the balanced Yin/Yang energy and set the circulation of light along your cosmic path into orbit by moving along the Functional channel to the Throat centre, the Heart, Solar Plexus, the Naval, the Sexual centre.
From Perineum – Huiyin or Conception 1 (‘the million dollar point’) the energy moves upwards along the Governing channel. At the Sacral Pump, your mind and breath may have to give a conscious ‘push’ to the energy for it go upwards.
Chi then moves to Life gate or Mingmen. It corresponds to the Kidneys, is parallel to the navel in front. The next point at the back is T11 or Adrenal point opposite the Solar Plexus.
The back Heart point is parallel to the one in the front, circle the energy there, then move to the back Throat point and from there to Jade pillow or ‘Mouth of God’. Another name for this area is Cranial Pump, where you consciously move the energy through the cerebellum back to Baihui.
At Baihui, by being receptive and childlike you receive more of the universal undifferentiated Wu Chi, and you may already feel tingling sensations in the upper part of the brain as new neural pathways are being made. After diligent practice, they become more prominent and you may see and experience your ‘Golden Flower’ that opens up new cosmic knowledge bringing happiness and creativity.
Stay focused on Wu Chi, be thankful and sincere, and repeat the process again and again along with your cosmic path. Of course, if you are an Indigo child or otherwise aware of the Generative Force (Kundalini) already functioning, you may just become more aware of the flow and continuous expansion of your consciousness.
Energy in the Service of Good Intention
Remember that energy is one with intention, it moves the way you want it to move when you have a clear inner vision with focused attention. Eventually, this intention command is not needed and the focus shifts to your Chi breathing along with the microcosmic path.
The strong power may feel as if gushing through the cosmic path rather than stopping at any of the centres. As the alignment with Wu Chi and the circulation of light becomes clearer, the breath becomes wider, the Chi flows naturally dissolving all the blocks along its cosmic path bringing smile to every cell. And often, I do not focus on every centre as a moving spiral but trust or feel that this is happening anyway.
Devotional Attitude
When Wu Chi at Baihui is in focus, I hear the name Immanuel (to me meaning the Will of the Creator) and that triggers a sense of devotion, thankfulness and praise, which in turn expands my consciousness more and more. I stay at Baihui in a state of worship, feeling blissful. On an out-breath, I finally bring the blessings along the front channel down to Mother Earth and stay in her love and generosity – for she is one with the Great Cosmic Mother.
Of course, this work is not be done in a day, but if you are committed, your inner guidance is always available. And after each practice, you can consciously collect the evolving ‘pearl’ energy in a special cosmic space where your original generative force resides.
Complete each practice by placing your palms on the lower abdomen and let the pearl energy circulate in the place where your earth life started at the time of conception.
The complex Chi Energy systems operating relentlessly within us determine our awareness and our health; they affect everything we do, think and feel.
When we feel exhausted after long days of work, has the energy disappeared? Of course not, for energy never disappears, it only changes its way of functioning. What has happened then?
By learning to understand and work with the awesome Chi systems of our bodies and know how they relate to the outer cosmos, we can learn to be in charge of them. We then know exactly what happened and are able to free and transform the stuck energies in order for them to flow naturally once more.
Chi is one with the Fundamental Substances of the body. Their English translations Energy, Essence, Spirit, Blood and Fluids are only approximations of their Chinese meaning, which defines five fundamental properties inherent within us.
Why Chi, not Energy?
In practice, the term Chi is used in preference to Energy since the latter in Western languages implies energy as opposed to matter. In TCM energy-matter is a continuum, Chi having both energetic and material attributes.
Within the Chi systems some Chis are Yin, most are Yang in their characteristics, yet Chi means a tendency to, as well as motion itself. In general, the term Chi is for the functional, active aspect of the body.
Discomfort and certain symptoms appear when the Chi system is out of balance. Therefore different manifestations of Chi are examined and measured in diagnosis.
Jing Chi’s many Functions within the Chi systems
Jing or Source Chi provides the basis for all the functional activities of the channels. This essential Chi is one with the universal Generative Force – Wu Chi, which underlies all life in Creation with Its unfathomable Power and Intelligence.
In the human body, Jing is thought of as fluid-like, it is nutritive and supportive. It activates harmonious transformation throughout the Chi systems and controls growth, reproduction and development.
And it holds the secret of the physiological mechanism or Generative Force for the human brain’s transformation and expansion of consciousness.
Jing, as the ‘Essence of Human Nature’ is the basis for all movement and takes on characteristics according to the needs of the body.
It manifests as Organ Chi for organ functions, Channel Chi for transporting and moving functions, Nourishing Chi for transforming and creating blood as well as for helping the blood to nourish the tissues of the body.
Protective Chi warms and travels between the skin and the flesh. It regulates the opening and closing of the pores therefore, protects the body from external pathogenic influences, and it moistens the skin and hair.
Shen or Ancestral Chi
Ancestral Chi or Shen collects in the chest and underlies breathing and speaking, it regulates the beating of the Heart and is important in clarifying the Spirit and strengthening the body when cultivated in meditation.
According to Neijing the Spirit of the Heart or Shen rules the mental and creative functions.
The spirit of the Liver rules the nervous system and gives rise to the extrasensory perception.
Spirit of the Spleen rules logic or reasoning power.
Spirit of the Lungs rules animistic instincts, physical strength and stamina.
Spirit of the Kidneys rules the will, drive, ambition and survival instinct.
The Birth of Yin and Yang
In order to understand how these various qualities of Chi relate to the greater cosmos, it is important to learn about Chinese cosmology.
Wu-Chi, which underlies all living phenomena of the universe is the manifestation of the Generative Will of the Source and is One with Motion, the first law in Creation.
The original Loving Source Radiation, being one with the Will to Create, became receptive Yin, the transcendental Feminine Principle. Through Her, the brilliantly and creatively acting Will – Yang, became the Masculine Principle.
Carried by the Power of the original Radiation, the receptive Yin substance and the dynamically penetrating Yang manifest the great Law of Love – Tao – in forever re-birthing Creation.
The masculine and feminine qualities or Yin and Yang are eternally one with the Primal Intelligence, God or Wu, the original Intention and the guiding Principle of all that exists.
Truane Wu Chi, the Original Vital Energy
All the universes are created out of this Triune Wu Chi, the original Vital Energy. This continual forming works harmoniously in most spheres of Creation creating new combinations of love and beauty through cyclic radiations and in the rhythmic way of Tao.
On the material level, we can observe WuChi in Five Phases of Nature through birth, growth and development, even through decay in plants and animals.
Nature follows the great Tao or Law of Love. Only, when disturbed by wrongly directed human free will do things go wrong. And this has been going on for millenniums – the humans have subjugated their free will to their limited intellect instead of following the guidance of the Source Intelligence accessible through intuition and commitment to the universal Laws.
Ming, the Royal Command or Destiny
The impersonal and original Triune, the sub-stratum of Life (Ming – royal command or destiny) is in every cell.
In the human body it is called Jing and while impersonal, it is receptive (Yin) compared to Wu Chi, dynamically active (Yang) and observable in the harmonious nature.
Jing is based in the kidney domain as the Essence of Life and as a potent source of original Power, the Generative Force (Kundalini).
When Jing Chi is consciously cultivated with Shen Chi (spirit) through disciplined meditations and virtues, it rises as ‘the fiery Dragon’ to the brain.
New neural pathways are built, through which dormant areas of the brain are awakened. When awake, they reveal a new level of consciousness filled with blissfulness, clarity and creativity of a genius, and ultimately cosmic consciousness – the great AHA!