About Back Pain
Suffering from Back Pain?
Using our easy to use portable Needle-less Acupuncture kit can help to overcome pain and improve your overall health.
Most everyone suffers from upper or lower back pains at one time or another in their life. Some people find that the pain comes and goes while others have to endure it day in and day out.
What causes aches and pains?
The root cause is not always easy to detect. It can be a sign of other health problems, therefore you must search for the root cause, and then find an appropriate relief and hopefully a permanent cure.
Whether acute or chronic, back pain could be a result of bad habits which can eventually lead to pain.
It could be a poor posture while standing or sitting, wrong footwear and walking habits, or sleeping on a too soft mattress.
Female pelvic, and kidney/bladder problems in both sexes or an abnormal curvature of the spine can be a cause of back pain.
Sciatica or severe lower back pain travelling down along the nerves can result from a bulging or herniated disc pressing on the root of the sciatic nerve. Ask your doctor to have an X-ray or MRI performed to rule them out.
Also, many doctors believe that even severe back pain can be a result of deep-seated emotional or stress-related problems.
Using our non-invasive Acupuncture Stones treated with Nanotechnology dissolves pain on neural and energy channels.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used for thousands of years, and the Acupuncture doctor sees most pain, including back pain as an energy imbalance. Even here in the West, Acupuncture is becoming a treatment of choice for many people as pain relief. Also, Chinese Herbal Remedies in a pill form or in topical plasters or liniments can provide effective relief for back pain.
Know Your Body’s Strengths and Weaknesses
According to TCM, the kidneys are the foundation of life. As we get older the aches and pains we experience are usually associated with Kidney Yin and/or Yang weakness.
One or a few visits to a well trained Chinese Medicine doctor in your area could give you an understanding of your body’s strengths and weaknesses.
By asking questions you would know which of the patterns of disharmony is predominant in your particular situation and learn about the acupuncture points or the herbal remedies to be used.
Acupuncture for Sciatica
You may consider using Acupuncture, done by a practitioner or by learning yourself to apply our non-invasive Acupuncture. It is easy to learn.
Acupuncture for back pain relief has lasting effects. Dr. Michael Haake, of the University of Regensburg, Bad Abbach, Germany stated, “Acupuncture gives physicians a promising and effective treatment option for chronic low back pain, with few adverse effects or contraindications”.
D.I.Y. Needle-less Acupuncture enhanced by Nanotechnology
The newest, most convenient method as a relief for back pain is non- invasive DIY Acupuncture. Our Healing Disks are designed to replace needles in Acupuncture. The tourmaline, nanotechnology treated stones last for years. They can be self-applied over and over again to painful areas as well as to prescribed acupuncture points.
These revolutionary products are now used in many hospitals in China for varied conditions including back pain. The stones can also be used to build the immune system, and they are great for facial and overall rejuvenation.
Our beautifully fashioned Healing Kit comes with 10 Tourmaline disks nestled in their small pockets, a roll of surgical tape, a bottle of surface liquid and an instruction booklet for 83 different conditions including back pain. The Holistic Healing Disks are the best tools you can have as a relief for back pain as well as for healing yourself completely.
Other Tips for Defeating Back Pain
Always bend your knees when picking up something.
Do not use the small muscles in the back when lifting objects – use arms, abdominal muscles and bent knees.
In an acute phase of backache avoid meats and animal protein products – they contain uric acid, which can aggravate the back and leg pain.
Avoid highly acidic foods such as tomatoes, peppers, oranges, eggplant, caffeine, chocolate, and white flour or sugar products.
Sleep on a firm mattress with your knees bent and head supported by a pillow.
Sciatica Pain Relief
Chinese Medicine provides an effective Sciatica Pain Relief
We experience painful sciatica pain when the sciatic nerve becomes irritated or inflamed.
Usually affecting only one side of the body, sciatica back pain radiates to the hips and down along the back or side of a leg, in severe cases all the way to the ankle even toes.
This kind of back and leg pain can be burning and sharp, but it can also be dull, making some areas feel numb, and there could be difficulty in controlling movement.
Sciatica symptoms can be constant or occasional, and is often affected by damp and cold weather.
Acupuncture for Sciatica Pain
Not as analytical as Western Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) aims to penetrate into the cause of pain as well as the person’s environment in order to understand and treat any pain or disease.
We ask, Is this Internal or External condition, is it Hot or Cold, Excess or Deficiency, and finally how do the symptoms relate to the overall Yin/Yang state of the person, since the ultimate goal is to establish complete balance for the whole being?
By visiting a well-trained Chinese Medicine doctor in your area you could learn about your body’s strengths and weaknesses. By asking questions you would know which of the patterns of disharmony is predominant in your particular situation and could receive further suggestions for your sciatica pain.
Patients who present lumbago or sciatica symptoms in a TCM clinic are usually diagnosed as suffering from a type or a combination of the following Bi syndromes:
Wandering Bi, which relates to wind Painful Bi, which relates to cold Fixed Bi, which relates to dampness Febrile Bi, which relates to heat and feverish conditionsAll of them involve blocking or slowing down the Chi or/and blood flow, often in the lower half of the body. Weakness and/or a serious injury to the back are often important factors underlying a sciatica pain. Since ancient times Bi syndromes have been considered to be the influences of cold, damp, and wind. Because this kind of lower back pain’s tendency is to radiate down the leg, the condition is frequently attributed to a combination of cold and damp, which are Yin factors with a natural downward course.
Wind, as an external pathogenic factor, contributes to the wandering nature of the pain, particularly if the surface Chi or vital energy of the body is weak. Kidney ‘domain’, which includes all urinary and sexual functions as well as the bone marrow and the brain, is the foundation of life according to TCM. These functions can become weakened, and what is first Kidney Chi deficiency can develop into Kidney Yang deficiency seriously upsetting the Yin/Yang balance of the whole body. This happens usually by a loss of sperm through excessive sex (in men) or other factors and advancing age in both genders. The body may not be able to ward off the cold and damp affecting the lower body, therefore creating a Yin excessive condition, which for the lack of movement ‘stagnates’. In this case, the external wind may not be the main factor, but with cold and damp can exacerbate it and make it appear as if the symptoms wander.
Do It Yourself Needle-less Nano Acupuncture as a Sciatica Pain Relief
Finding relief is our number one priority when experiencing any kind of pain whether it is acute, chronic or episodic. And today many people search for alternatives to prescription drugs for sciatica pain relief. Acupuncture is a growing trend. As a part of TCM practice, the art of acupuncture involves unblocking Chi, the body’s Vital Energy Force that flows through channels continuously. If Chi is blocked or weak, physical or mental illness develops. The purpose of acupuncture is to restore a healthy flow of Chi throughout the body in order to have perfect balance and harmony in all its functions. In the case of sciatica symptoms, when the channels are opened they have their natural warmth, the dampness is overcome and the whole body strengthened to withstand wind, cold and damp.
A new Nano Acupuncture is a non-invasive, gentle therapy for the clinic or home use. This acute and chronic pain relief system utilizes Tourmaline stone treated with nanotechnology and was developed, tested and is already used in many hospitals in China. These remarkable stones are designed to replace needles in acupuncture. When used according to the accompanying instructions the Holistic Healing Disks:
Are easy to use
Are safe
Are convenient
Are effective
Are non-invasive
Are Economical
Have no side effects
Are portable
The healing Disks offer a natural pain relief including for lower back and hip pain because they can be applied locally to the painful areas in addition to using them according to the acupuncture theory.
Not losing their potency, they last for years and their use can alleviate most disharmonies, including many stress-related illnesses such as anxiety, insomnia, depression etc.
Please click on the following link to learn more about these unique Disks. DIY Needle-less Acupuncture
Chinese Healing Herbs for Lumbago and Sciatica Pain
Herbal Remedies as a sciatica pain relief target to warm the kidney yang, to dispel cold, to clear dampness by invigorating the spleen function and to resolve the overall wind-cold-damp influence.
There are many useful anti-rheumatic herbs and certain ones are especially good in lumbago and sciatica treatment. One of the formulas containing them is ‘Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan’. You may purchase it from a Chinese Herbalist, who may suggest others especially suited for your needs.
Other painful conditions of the lower limbs, such as gout and knee arthralgia are treated with similar herbs and formulations.
Many patent formulas are now available from North American manufacturers. Please see the recommendations below.
DMSO is a Western natural product used topically. Gently rub a few drops of it to the painful area. Penetrating through the skin, it flushes out toxins and excess fluids, therefore easing the pain.
Tossing and turning at night?
Our wise strategies with non-invasive Acupuncture for Insomnia helps you have a deep, refreshing sleep!
You don’t have to be one of the more than sixty million North Americans to toss and turn through the night.
You don’t have to feel exhausted at work any more, nor experience brain fog where ever you are. Instead, you can feel rejuvenated, better than you have felt for a long time!
Please click for Healing Yourself with our Strategies and D.I.Y Needle-less Acupuncture
A revolutionary method of needle-less acupuncture, based on nanotechnology, is already being used in many hospitals in China. With it you can tap your own holistic healing energy. It is easy to learn, safe and convenient.
There are no side-effects and it's economical considering that the disks last a lifetime without losing their potency, and they can be used for many other disorders. A map of acupuncture body points for various ailments is provided.
In addition, the following pointers can add to your experience of deep sleep that enables you to live a successful and rewarding life.
Air the bedroom before sleeping and keep it cool.
Have windows and other light sources covered.
Do not watch TV before going to bed.
Read spiritual material or/and meditate.
Wear socks while sleeping.
Eat a high protein snack a few hours before bedtime.
Drink plenty of water in the early part of the day.
Take 1000mg of Vitamin C in the am and pm.
Do not eat or drink two hours before sleeping.
Avoid caffeine, at least in the afternoon or later.
Avoid alcohol, it can wake you up in the middle of the night.
Avoid drugs, except those prescribed for you.
Go to bed at the same time, at a good hour for you.
Have loving thoughts as you drift to sleep!
If you or your partner snores, it can cause problems for both.
Try to sleep on your side.
Raise the head of the bed slightly.
Practice tongue and throat exercises to strengthen them.
Use nasal strips if the problem stems from obstruction in your nasal passageway.
Thankfully reflecting on the Giver of all gifts and sleeping with great Love 'on your lips' is the best Way!
Stress Relief
Searching for Stress Therapy?
Our non-invasive Acupuncture Stress Relief, Guided Meditation and other Holistic Healing Resources can help you.
Stress can cause many symptoms and our health seems always much more valuable after we lose it.
Isn’t that the truth, but not to worry!
Here you can learn to use our unique, yet proven Stress Relief Resources based on ancient Chinese Medicine that includes easy to apply Non-invasive Acupuncture.
You will learn about:
Chinese Medicine Stress Therapy
Stress causes
Stress illnesses
Anxiety Self Help
Acupuncture for Insomnia
Office Stress Relief with Guided Meditation
Our Acupuncture Stress Relief methods can help you build resilience in order to manage your life with its twists and turns.
What Is Stress?
From the dictionary: Stressed out – debilitated because of stress. The Condition or adverse circumstances likely to disturb the normal physiological or psychological functioning of an individual – distress caused by this.
Root: middle English >distress, old French >estress–narrowness, Latin >scrictus-strict.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective on Stress.
Chi or Vital Energy flow is restricted.
Most physical-emotional-spiritual disorders manifest first as chi malfunction. Harmonious flow of energy, necessary for the nourishment and maintenance of tissues, organs and glands, is restricted.
Disorders of vital energy may later progress to affect blood, tissues and organs – through this our emotions and our spirit. This can then lead to physical illnesses such as cancer, which in Chinese Medicine is viewed as a blood stagnation.
Undisturbed chi flows naturally within the body, including the brain, considered to be the office, which directs the essential operations and energies. These, in turn, are governed by the heart.
Learn to master your vital energy! please click Strategies and non-invasive Acupuncture for Stress Relief.
Her Secret Service, Silent Power of Womanhood
A Book of Transformation and Enlightenment
How does ‘Transformation and Enlightenment’ relate to the story of your book?
The exodus in ‘Her Secret Service’ is primarily Moses’ inner journey of transformation and enlightenment. Written as a spiritual novel, the reader journeys along with Moses and his people toward a clear understanding of the Laws of Creation that act through the balanced masculine-feminine power, which Moses discovered through his personal development and the ancient wisdom revealed to him.
What else do you hope readers will gain?
As they inwardly journey through the landscapes and unusual events they can identify with Moses’ and his people’s struggles and triumphs. The text reveals the expansive spiritual dimension of which every reader’s receptivity is capable. He/she will then naturally connect with his/her own intuitive understanding and certitude that is needed for transformation and enlightenment.
What is the most important thing we can say about your book?
Carefully researched yet spirited, it touches those who know that purely intellectual knowledge is limited. The individual realization gained by following Moses’ first set of commandments will help the reader’s own transformation and final enlightenment as well as conscious enjoyment of creative, exuberant life while helping heal and rebuild our now sick planet and its inhabitants.
In what way do you feel you are or your book is newsworthy?
Her Secret Service offers clear wisdom given thousands of years ago by wise people such as Moses and Enoch for our spiritual enlightenment, which is absolutely necessary if humanity is to survive and blossom.

As Moses stood in the radiance of the Feminine Principle on Mount Sinai, he received the First set of Commandments. When he realized that humanity was not yet mature to observe their Law of Love, he broke them. However, their simple, inspiring directives for transformation and enlightenment were quietly passed on from one generation to the next. Now they are revealed within this book, and we better be ready to awaken to their call for life on earth cannot go on indefinitely unless we do so.
Each of us must realize that self-growth never stops. We are not to depend on the watered-down, lukewarm beliefs passed on to us by others, true spiritual knowledge comes by actively searching, experiencing and doing what it takes to reach the freedom of one’s own ‘Promised Land’.
What credentials or expertise do you bring to the ideas expressed in your book? What establishes you as an authority in this area?
My loving Finnish-Lutheran parents passed on to me unswerving faith and curiosity for everything, seen or unseen that nurtures life. Later, inspired by Christian, Jewish, Islamic and Taoist esoteric wisdom as well as transpersonal psychology, I gained further understanding about the unique potential for transformation and enlightenment residing in each human being.
Originally trained as a public health nurse, I came to see early on that physical-mental-spiritual health cannot be separated. Those principles have guided me throughout my career.
Realizing that the ancient Chinese medicine, compared to ours, is more holistic and therefore closer to my thinking, I studied it thoroughly and practiced it for over twenty years.
The primary goal of a Chinese medical doctor is to help the patient to balance the oscillating yin/yang energy (Chi) flow necessary for healthy living. Life, being of masculine/feminine balance, must manifest on all levels of Creation that way – as a God-given gift which, when losing its equilibrium must gain it back in order to continue. My writings, including ‘Her Secret Service, Silent Power of Womanhood’ reflect that viewpoint.
What is the most important thing we can say about you?
Say that even if I seem over the edge to the pious or too earnest to the skeptics of this world, I laugh like a child and love, love, love!
In order to purchase a copy of ‘Her Secret Service’, please go to www.Lulu.com
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CHI Guide
An Introduction to the Chi Guide
This section of the Chi Guide is more understandable if you are familiar with the basics of Chinese Medicine or have reviewed Ancient Chinese Medicine, Balancing Yin and Yang, Human Blood and other Chi Energy transformation pages found on HappySoulHealthyBody.com.
Learning to understand and consciously guide Chi is a lifelong process. In my experience, it began when I was young and wanted to understand life’s mysteries that lay beyond my five senses.
For me, of the many books directly dealing with these mysteries of expanded consciousness, the most important ones are ‘Tao Te Ching’, ‘The Secret of the Golden Flower’, ‘Cosmic Consciousness’ and ‘In the Light of Truth’.
And of course ‘Huang Di Neijing’, a Chi guide that gives practical steps on how to purify and heal the body so that a unified and glorious state of awareness becomes an ongoing life experience.
These pages are my sincere attempt to share with you as simply as possible my understanding of this subtle process which carries unimaginable benefits for each of us.
Chi Guide for Unifying Shen and Jing in Sacred Marriage
If you have read the Chi Systems section, you know that the kidney domain which houses Jing, includes the sexual center, the bone marrow, spinal cord and the brain. The brain or ‘the sea of marrow’ can be nourished and re-built in order to expand consciousness. (even here in the West much research is being done on ‘brain plasticity’).
Huang Di Neijing says, “The Essence (Jing) of kidney produces marrow that forms the brain.”
So the nutritive and supportive Jing is that Generative Force (Kundalini) that can be cultivated by conscious intention with other Chi qualities, especially the Ancestral or Spiritual Chi – Shen, which connects us to our spirit and therefore to our free will.
For this focus and contemplation are needed, and utilizing Acupuncture and Natural Remedies, as well as Healing Tao practices, can be of great help.
The Ultimate Chi Guide
When our free will is aligned with the great Will of Wu Chi – when we claim It as the ultimate Chi Guide, we can begin to clear the organs, tissues and glands along with their channels.
By consciously practicing the virtues this commitment implies, we’ll then begin to experience the abundance of the creative Power of our Generative Force.
However, it is easy to ignore the subtle promptings of the ultimate Chi Guide. And if, through our thinking, feeling and action we fail to work on clearing the organs and Chi channels for that alignment, we automatically become subordinates to wrongly and excessively used sexual and other forces with their limitations.
We then have only a static connection to the endless supply of Light Chi. This leads to weakening of the body, unhappiness, deterioration of all faculties and final death with the life spent devoid of its true purpose.
Huang Di Neijing says, “Overindulgence in five emotions of happiness, anger, sadness, worry, fear and fright can create imbalances. These emotions can injure Chi, while seasonal elements can affect the body.
Sudden anger damages the Yin Chi, to become easily excited and overjoyed will damage the yang Chi. This causes the Chi to rebel and rise up to the head squeezing the Shen out of the heart and allowing it to float away.
Failing to regulate one’s emotions can be likened to summer and winter aiming to regulate each other, threatening life itself.”
Once again – since Jing Chi operates as the substratum of life, it follows that it is, in addition to its kidney ‘home’, within every cell of the human body.
The question is, what else does each cell carry as a result of the person’s thinking and actions, including eating and drinking?
These limiting elements may take ‘the upper hand’ therefore can, temporarily or even for a lifetime, repress the more refined principal Jing Chi. This makes the following the ultimate Chi Guide even more difficult.
The Role of Shen Chi
Shen or Ancestral-Spiritual Chi is associated with breathing, the heart and the circulation of blood. The Heart controls blood, blood vessels and houses the mind including feelings. Spirit, consciousness, memory, thinking and sleep are all dominated by the heart function or Shen.
Shen, when not over-run by base desires, passions and other negative emotions, is the pristine spirit that is one with the Law of Love – Wu Chi.
Shen is Yang in relation to the receptive Jing Chi
Shen is cultivated through prayer, contemplation of the virtues such as gratitude, love, compassion, generosity and other divine qualities.
Also, yearning to understand the riddle of existence opens the heart to intuitive knowledge.
The boundaries of the ego begin to soften and Shen awakens the need to cleanse the energies, to transforms negative emotions lodged in the organs, tissues and glands into positive Chi in order to vitalize the body and expand consciousness.
As the driving force behind the personality, ‘Shen is the awareness that shines out of the eyes when we are truly awake’.
Practicing Chinese Meditations, applying non-invasive Nano Acupuncture and Chinese Healing Herbs clarifies and strengthens all Chis of the body. They help in keeping the connection to the ultimate Chi Guide constant.
The Sacred Marriage
Not done in a day, but eventually, Shen (spirit-fire-yang) transforms into a ‘Heavenly Heart’ and unites with Jing (seed-water-yin) in a sacred inner marriage with a beyond description orgasmic bliss described in many ancient texts.
The Generative Force or Kundalini
With the experience of the sacred marriage, the biological mechanism of the Generative Force is ignited and it’s life giving nectar, ‘The fiery Dragon’ – rushes up to the brain. The gates of Wu Chi’s reservoir of a new, brilliant reality of Life open wide. Return to Brilliance!
Consciousness, from the isolated sense of ego toward expanded, all-embracive awareness, has taken a major leap. . . AHA!
This leads to an inspired sense of freedom, creativity, qualities of genius and can lead to cosmic consciousness. This then is the complete healing of the human body, mind and spirit.
For this reason, the Chinese medical tradition speaks of Jing, Chi and Shen as the Three Treasures.
Please click to purchase Happy Soul Healthy Body - Healing Programs
Natural Remedies
Searching for a Cold and Flu Cure? Natural Remedies can help.
Doctors of ancient Chinese Medicine recognized influenza viruses. They called them ‘unseen insects’ and used acupuncture and herbal remedies for the epidemics that hit villages and towns.
You can stop any early cold and flu symptoms by using non-invasive Acu Stones with Herbal Remedies used in China for hundreds of years!
The key is to be alert to the early symptoms and prevent the nasty invaders from multiplying into huge numbers when they can overpower the immune system and any form of intervention.
You can learn the best Flu Prevention practices and how to stop early Cold and Flu Symptoms with an effective Chinese Flu Remedy.
Our Happy Soul Healthy Body pages can be a resource for you and your family, and this is what you must know:
Cold vs Flu.
How long is Flu contagious?
How long does Flu last?
How to use DIY Needle-less Acupuncture?
The Best Natural Remedies.
Stress and Flu.
The Importance of Hand Washing.
Effective Herbal Remedies.
Stomach Flu Symptoms and Remedies.
You’ll learn to recognize the first signs of cold and flu and banish the symptoms with effective Natural Remedies and our revolutionary DIY Needle-less Acupuncture, effective and easy to use in order to overcome the symptoms and strengthen your Immune System.
Think about it!
You can master your own and your family’s health!
‘Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food’ was the norm in any Chinese household.
This rule was taught by the ‘food doctors’ as early as sixth century BC and effective herbal remedies were recorded in the annals of medicine.
For flu prevention, the herbs, considered as ‘superfoods’, were boiled as tea or combined in a chicken soup. Ginseng and Astragalus are examples of such herbs.
The most effective recipes of Natural Remedies were passed on from one generation to the next. The fresh or dried herbs were boiled into a bitter tasting tea whenever a flu remedy was needed. Lonicera and Forsythia combination is famous, and here is the recipe.
Yin Chiao San.
Lonicera Japonica (Jin Yin Hua) 15gr Forsythia Suspensa (Lian Qiao) 15gr Arctium Lappa (Niu Bang Zi) 9gr Mentha (Bo He) 9gr Schisonepete (Jing Jia Shui) 6gr Prep.Soybean (Dan Dou Chi) 12gr Platycodon (Jie Geng) 12gr Bamboo leaf Dan Zhu Ye) 6gr Phragmates (Lu Gen) 9gr Isatis Tinctoria (Ban Lang Gan) 9gr Glycyrrhiza (Gan Cao) 6gr
Indications: Clears fever, headache, cough, sore throat in initial stages of a febrile disease. Eliminates interior heat and toxins.
You can purchase Yin Chiao in a tablet format at your nearby Chinese Herbalist.
Or, you can order it online. Several patent variations of it, made in North America, are available. I like the one manufactured by Planetary Herbals available from Herbal Remedies USA. When on their site type Yin Chiao Classic in the search box in order to access this time-honored herbal flu remedy.
Acupuncture in Flu Prevention and Treatment
Chinese ‘Barefoot Doctors’, travelling from village to village, used specific body points for Flu Prevention and Treatment. They also advised that the ‘Window of the Sky’ points around the neck and shoulders had to be protected from cold and draft. If not, the new and already existing nasty invaders we call viruses could multiply in vast numbers and create the first cold and flu symptoms.
Luckily, a new discovery in Chinese Medicine is easy-to-use D.I.Y needle-less Acupuncture.
Treated with Nanotechnology to enhance their potency the Acu Stones come with instructions, last a lifetime and they can be used in most health-related problems. Please click here to learn more.
Intestinal Flu
Intestinal Flu Can Strike like Lightening!
It can happen after attending a gathering where the food was unclean. It might have been prepared by a carrier, who was not washing hands the way he/she should have done – vigorously at least 20 seconds with soap and water.
It is not in the scope of these pages to differentiate between various forms of digestive disorders. We’ll focus here on epidemic gastroenteritis.
It often starts in semi-closed community environments such as families, school cafeterias, ships and vacation spots.
20 to 50 percent of the people of that community can get sick from the food or water-borne pathogens spread from person to person.
Recently a large number of people suffered from acute intestinal flu because of packaged spinach or lettuce bought in a supermarket.
It is a highly contagious disease and causes millions of cases of diarrhea each year in the west. In developing countries, it is a major cause of death, because of the lack of clean drinking water.
Any unclean practice can be a cause of intestinal flu symptoms, which appear within 4 to 48 hour after exposure to the virus and last for 1-2 days, though the symptoms can last as long as 10 days.
They usually begin with nausea and vomiting, followed by cramps and watery diarrhea, possibly headache, fever and chills.
Most people recover without complications, but the flu can be serious when people do not Drink Enough Fluids.
When the first symptoms appear, take the Chinese Medicine’s herbal remedy PO Chai Pills
Available in any Chinese Herbalist store, this amazing patent formula is a standard in every Chinese household. It is used in nausea and headache due to stomach flu, overeating, hangover, unfamiliar diet, motion sickness, indigestion. It is a must for world travellers. And it’s suitable for children
Herb Huang Lian (Rhiz.Coptidis) is an example of holistic medicine for burning diarrhea. It detoxifies, therefore it is also used in cancer treatments.
I use Pau d’Arco (Taheebo) tea also as a cleanser. In the case of intestinal flu, drink it as a tea, but use it also as an enema to cleanse the colon in order to speed the healing process.
Allow the gastrointestinal track settle by not eating for a day.
Sip clear liquids or suck on an ice cube if still nauseous.
Gradually re-introduce foods – dry toast, broth, applesauce, bananas, rice etc.
Avoid dairy products, caffeine, alcohol until well.
Get plenty of rest.
Drink extra liquids to replace what was lost through vomiting and diarrhea.
Dehydration can affect especially young children, the elderly with chronic conditions and people with a weak immune system.
Symptoms of dehydration are excessive thirst, dry mouth, no urine or little yellow urine, no tears, severe weakness, dizziness.
If untreated the symptoms can become life-threatening. A professional health care provider should be contacted immediately.
For Intestinal Flu Prevention:
Strengthen the immune system (please click here)
Wash hands thoroughly after bathroom.
Wash hands before eating.
Disinfect contaminated surfaces.
Do not consume foods or drinks which you suspect are contaminated.